So I would like to apologize for not being here for a week. But since more than a week has passed since claims for the
whoniverse1000 Revival Ficathon opened, I'd say it's high time we got started!
This is the Master Post; once you're finished with your fic or art, link us to it in a comment here. If it's hosted on your own journal, link to both your journal entry and the comment on the
main post. And then, once you've done that, go back to the
Claims Post and pick out another pairing! Heck, just because the master post is up doesn't mean you can't still go claim a pairing if you hadn't already. More = merrier and all that.
Since I was a bit dumb and forgot to put a due date, let's make it March 31st. That'll be when the ficathon ends.
Remember, the rules and directions and technicalities and suchlike are all back at the
Claims Post; PM or comment to me if you've got any questions.
Happy writing!