Well you linked to this post, so I felt an imperative to take advantage...
I would absolutely love an icon of this kiss. ♥ I know it's not Sherlock (and I can understand the SHERLOCK flail, ooooh yes), but I've been wanting an icon of this cap for ages, and since I finally hunted it down I couldn't pass up this opportunity. Many thanks in advance! :)
omg, gurl, don't even. I love Doctor Who so fucking much, I can't. And I ship the motherload out of River and 11. I'd love to do this icon! I'll prob try to work it into a few more icons of them as well, just cos, lol. &hearts
I would absolutely love an icon of this kiss. ♥ I know it's not Sherlock (and I can understand the SHERLOCK flail, ooooh yes), but I've been wanting an icon of this cap for ages, and since I finally hunted it down I couldn't pass up this opportunity. Many thanks in advance! :)
(Clearly we are kindred spirits!)
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