Title: No More Turtles Characters: Romano/Spain Challenge: Future Bonus words: Someday, maybe Rating: T Summary: Romano is still mad about the last turtle related incident. Warnings: Some foul language
My headcanon is that Lovino really does love animals...like a lot. Particularly cats, especially not turtles. So this was adorable and made me happy to see.
Gyah! I want to see more of this. I want to see more of their future together because this was cute and you wrote it so well and ; __;
Write more for these two :3!!
Oh that icon looks familiar! Did you happen to pick it up at one of my icon spams on tumblr or no? It looks like one I did XD
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I also agree that Romano probably adores animals, so I try to incorporate it as best I can. I read a really great fic on FF.net (surprising, I know) by Romanoma that just cemented my headcanon that Romano loves cats XD
I will definitely write more for these two! I'm doing a table challenge for Spamano so there will be (at least) twenty more fics for them. Probably more, because I frickin' love them.
Hmmm...I don't have a Tumblr because I'm dumb and I can't figure out how it works, so I didn't get the icon from there. Did you post your icons on LJ, because I'm pretty sure that's where you got this one.
If you make icons you should defs tell me what your tumblr is, because I love Spamano icons
I think he's one of those kinds of people who sees those commercials for animals in a shelter with really really sad music and then he starts to cry and donates money or goes and adopts an animal that he can't take care of and has to eventually give it up to someone else ;__;
.......Can I add you as a friend? I want to add you as a friend now OTL
Ahh now that I look, yours is more zoomed out then the one i made XD Tumblr is kinda easy once you get the hang of it xD. I have a journal post here on LJ (just click on my name uwu) of Spamano icons and then I also have these here: One Two Three
These three pages here are Spamano icons I've made and posted to my tumblr (and some to that LJ post XD)
Of course you can add me as a friend! I'll add you back n_n
And I'm totally one of those people. I spent all of last year at the animal shelter for my National Honor Society hours and cried, like, every time I saw those commercials
I love your icons! I might get a Tumblr just for those. They're wonderful, and I want them all!
Comments 8
Thanks for writing!
My headcanon is that Lovino really does love animals...like a lot. Particularly cats, especially not turtles. So this was adorable and made me happy to see.
Gyah! I want to see more of this. I want to see more of their future together because this was cute and you wrote it so well and ; __;
Write more for these two :3!!
Oh that icon looks familiar! Did you happen to pick it up at one of my icon spams on tumblr or no? It looks like one I did XD
I will definitely write more for these two! I'm doing a table challenge for Spamano so there will be (at least) twenty more fics for them. Probably more, because I frickin' love them.
Hmmm...I don't have a Tumblr because I'm dumb and I can't figure out how it works, so I didn't get the icon from there. Did you post your icons on LJ, because I'm pretty sure that's where you got this one.
If you make icons you should defs tell me what your tumblr is, because I love Spamano icons
.......Can I add you as a friend? I want to add you as a friend now OTL
Ahh now that I look, yours is more zoomed out then the one i made XD Tumblr is kinda easy once you get the hang of it xD. I have a journal post here on LJ (just click on my name uwu) of Spamano icons and then I also have these here:
These three pages here are Spamano icons I've made and posted to my tumblr (and some to that LJ post XD)
And I'm totally one of those people. I spent all of last year at the animal shelter for my National Honor Society hours and cried, like, every time I saw those commercials
I love your icons! I might get a Tumblr just for those. They're wonderful, and I want them all!
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