truthful and profoundunknowndepthApril 29 2004, 18:44:13 UTC
hey man, those are some powerful words up there. it made me think about he life lessons i've accumulated over the seniors, i gues its time for us to think about the future since one big portion of our lives has ended and another one is about to open. the early entry about you telling your mom about yourself is powerful and i'm so glad she loves you no matter what. that does take a lot of guts to you and i give you props man. i hope you find what you're looking for in terms of schooling and where you have to live. thanks for the warm wishes...i'll need them being in new hampshire. SNOW!! yikes! hehe. hope graduation and the prom turn out to be the BOMB!! lots of luv to the guy that's 1.5 inches taller than me.
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