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mabel_marsters so her it goes.
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Comments 8
Yes, I got tagged and a going to do it tomorrow - by that time, everyone I know will be tagged - LOL
btw - couldn't get the torrent thingy to work out! But as I have the D/L from another source, I'm not too worried - and am getting Vampire Diaries, as well - so am a happy bunny!
I'm just glad that I checked the new posts so I still had some names to tag.
For the torrent thing you need a little program like uTorrent and when you open the torrents then the program will open and D/L will start. But Yay you get to watch evil Victor Hesse and Damon.
As I tend to be a really "stick-in-the-mud" I won't worry - especially as I'm getting Damon e-mailed to me - LOL
Lucky you, when you're done with him could you forward him to me? (just hit send)*GG*
How awesome to speak three languages. I just have no ear for them at all!
I forgot H 5-0 in my meme. Really liked the character of Danno - littel crush developing there me thinks. :D
We learn those in school and you can't drop English because Dutch really isn't a language spoken by a lot of people outside our country. German is similar to Dutch and as it is a neighbouring country we tend to pick it up at some point.
Yes Danno is cute with his straight way of doing things. Good pairing with McGarret.
wow, that is expensive for the bike test.
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