A Guide To Decoding Tezuka's Expressions, part II
A word of warning: TezuRyo is my OTP. Pretty image-heavy; crappy humour.
Why do all my best players gossip like women?
The idiots have landed.
Hmm. If black goes to 7-15 then white can...
Echizen, show me your tennis!
Hey, that works!
Echizen, your hand...
There is no room for doubt in this game.
He's too young, but I can't hold him back.
Soon only the net will be between us.
You are everything I dreamed you would become.
Fuji, that's your brother.
If I have to go over there someone will regret it.
I beg your pardon?
You already know what I'm telling you. Why are we not playing tennis?
I ache just looking at you.
I will be the captain, because that is what you need right now.
Because he's Echizen.
Wait, what?!
No matter what I do here someone will end up disappointed.
Shut up Fuji. I'm trying to stare at Echizen.
If I stare for long enough they'll end up confessing from sheer terror.
But Oishi! I wanted to stay and watch Ryoma!
If I look for too long everyone will think I'm a pervert...
You are interesting, if small.
You are so interesting that I am showing actual emotion. Wow.
Echizen is really interesting!
Damn, I just spent fifteen minutes talking about Echizen, didn't I.