Soul_Campaign Application

Dec 07, 2011 01:21

Player Name: Kim
Age: 20
Timezone: GMT-8/PST
Personal Journal: _rakugosha_
Contact Information:, xsmokinbombx(aim), rakuranger(plurk)
Current Characters: N/A
Links to Activity Check: N/A
Beta-reader: Yes

Name: Dave Strider
Age: Thirteen
Gender: Male
Canon: Homestuck
Timeline: End of Act 5; Where he goes God Tier with Rose and meets Aradia at the Green Sun

Character History:
MSPA Wikia

Character Personality:
The first thing you need to know is that Dave is your stereotypical cool kid. He's the type of kid you would see at school and who would be considered popular. No seriously, this kid is so damn cool that he makes the hottest Summers feel like a cool Fall with his coolness. Ok, we're getting off track.

But Dave's coolness seems to make it so he's calm and collected in any given situation. He stays level-headed even in the strangest of situations. Such examples would be SBURB or the apparent destruction of their world. He didn't seem at all bothered, but took to getting into action as soon as he could. Even the thought of time travel and having multiple versions of himself running about didn't seem to bother him so much. He was more invested in actually getting things done. This makes Dave a reliable guy. He was able to help Jade understand everything when she entered the realm. But just because Dave is usually level-headed doesn't mean he doesn't lose his cool. Although it seems that he has a high tolerance before freaking out, Dave has showed himself losing his cool. It's just, it isn't until he's lost his cool that he flies completely off the proverbial handle. Such an example was when a pile of puppets fall on Dave and he completely freaks out over it or starts to be extremely melodramatic about things. It's most likely due to looking stupid, as Dave strives so hard to be cool, looking dumb would probably bother him a lot. Usually, he keeps his nonchalant attitude in check most of the time.

Despite being really cool, or at least trying to be really cool, Dave seems to be easily influenced. Or at least, John seems to easily influence him. An example is when John mentions how creepy Bro's puppets are. Dave had never had a problem with Bro's puppets up until John mentioned they were creepy. After that, Dave suddenly found Bro's obsession with puppets to be unsettling and found them creepy himself. It could be that because Dave wants to be so cool, that he is easily influenced by other things and people around him. It could also be that despite being cool or despite thinking he's cool, he's only as cool as people think he is. Because of this, he probably gets easily swayed by the opinions of others. His want to be really fucking cool means that what people think should be heavily considered, and as his friends are important to him, what they think about things are probably important to him. He wants to be perceived as someone admirable while still someone you can relate to. His age might also be something to consider. As someone who's thirteen, you might not realize certain things until it's pointed out, and at his age, younger people are susceptible to different influences.

Dave is also rather brilliant. Of course some may be annoyed with how he thinks, but Dave seems to understand the mechanics of things rather swiftly. He has shown this since the beginning, having his modus already set and having one of the most advanced sylladices at that time. He also uses a higher Pesterchum version then John was using. His ability to learn the mechanics of things quickly really helps Jade out for example. John, who was Jade's original server player, could not continue that role at some point. Dave had Jade deply the INTELLIBEAM LASERSTATION and copy the server discs so that he could become her new server player. From that point on, he deployed the equipment she needed. Equipment that were highly upgraded, since he was farther ahead in the game then she was. Dave is one of the only kids who seemed to invest himself fully in the mechanics, being the one responsible for actually connecting their session to the troll session. Although the trolls had contacted them before they actually started the session, Dave had sent a hefty amount of Boondollars to the trolls, making them aware of their existence. His fetch modi is also based off a data structure type and he seems to be fairly knowledgeable of captchaloguing in general.

A big part of Dave is that Dave likes to be ironic. Maybe he has to be ironic. Either way, he's constantly doing and saying things for the sake of being ironic. Such cases is wearing the shades he received and drawing ironic comics, although a lot of this is also influenced by Bro, who he respects and highly regards. The gifts he's sent his friends before are supposed to be ironic, although there's a more sincere feeling to them then he lets off.

Oddly enough though, Dave can be rather forgetful. It's quite strange. Such a cool guy and being as intelligent as he is, he often forgets a multitude of things ranging from unimportant to important. He'll forget things like his place in MS Paint Adventures to even the fact that he has his timetables and can therefore travel through time. He'll even set Sylladex traps, forget them, and spring them on himself.

Dave can act like a bit of an arrogant ass, knowing that he's as cool as he makes himself out to be (he tells John to take notes on how to be cool from him) or saying and doing things that annoy others. Despite that, he's a good kid and he obviously cares for those he cares for. He obviously regards them well or he wouldn't take the time or day to contact them personally, and he's shown to care. He obviously shows that he regards John highly, as the other easily influences his own thoughts and he sometimes goes to Rose about some of the anxieties he has sometimes. He also seems to speak to Rose quite often, even if he finds her annoying sometimes. He even seems to find Jade fine, even if the way she types is usually a target for cool people to pick on. Examples would be the Doomed timeline where John gets himself killed. His alternate self had threatened Terezi to back off from John, since it was her fault it happened. Another moment is when Rose and Dave are deciding who was to go on the suicide mission and Dave volunteered to.

He also has trouble facing his own mortality. Even though he probably knew that his alternate self that was sleeping on his quest bed was doomed anyways, he couldn't bring himself to kill the alternate Dave. He also spends a good amount of time staring at another dead version of himself, who he eventually throws out his window to avoid freaking out Jade. He does freak out, himself, as he figures out how he was to dispose of the body.

Character Abilities you would like to expand on further:
Dave is pretty street smart and is quick to think on his feet, as he can easily think against certain decisions once he has a guess of the scenario that may result in that decision. He has the ability to travel through time, and potentially freeze time (although this might be a God Tier power since Aradia was able to use it but Dave hasn't). He's skilled in fighting and martial arts (due to his upbringing with Bro Strider), and can also fight with swords. He's probably pretty fit and moves faster then average, as seen when training with Bro, although Bro still beats the shit out of him. He also owns a collection of swords, although they seem to not be as durable as he hopes they would be.

Dave is surprisingly the artistic one. He likes to make beats and jams and owns turntables to do so. He seems to be very interested in music, knowing bands that most people have never heard before. He owns an amateur dark room that he's set up himself and is an ameteur photographer.

Because of how he is, Dave is pretty much up-to-date with anything ranging from technology, to video games, to any pop culture symbol imaginable.

Character Weaknesses you would like to expand on further:
His inability to come face his mortality may also get in the way in extremely dire moments, although he's also shown to be clear-headed when facing death or seeing it, so it may just be that seeing his own body dead or having to end himself is something he isn't comfortable with.

Anything that may dampen on his cool factor might cause him to get dramatic or hard to deal with, as Dave dislikes looking stupid.

His aloof attitude might give off the notion that he might not care or that he's above someone, and might annoy people because of it.


What abilities will your character retain in Soul Campaign?
Most of Dave's skills and abilities should be intact when he arrives. Other then the time powers he received in the Medium, Dave is your average teen who works out. He's physically fit and above average, but nothing that would make him considered superhuman or close to it.

Dave will still be a skilled fighter and his ability to use swords will still be available to him. His ability to stay collected and think things through should also remain untouched. His physicality should also be unharmed when arriving.

What weaknesses will your character lose or gain in Soul Campaign?
A wariness and always knowing his mortality. Dave has spent so many times avoiding his own death and creating alternated, Doomed selves of himself. However, he seems to be aware of his mortality as he couldn't bring himself to kill himself to reach God Tier before. I would like this to be more apparent so he has to think and second guess himself about whether what he does might result in.

This may result in some indecisiveness in crucial moments.

The wish Death the Kid made to the BREW in 2009 was to “rescue Death City and stop the waves of Madness from overtaking the world.” By whatever means necessary. Pretend you are the BREW. Why would you choose to bring this character to Death City?
What seemingly was an innocent game that was meant to be beat turned into something more intense. Dave is involved in the SBURB Beta. Later in the session, the kids find out that they're to create a new universe during their session (their universe being created by the troll's session). Taking someone who was to create a new universe, but instead, saving Death City seems to be a good idea. That, and since Dave has gone through Doomed timelines, it would be helpful to take someone who has experience in what not to do and what you should do to prevent dooming yourself. His experiences in what looks to be slightly apocalyptic scenario might come in handy in trying to save the world.

If your character has difficulty verbally communicating or can’t verbally communicate at all (mute or non-humanoid), elaborate on how this will be treated in the game. N/A


Why is your character a Meister and not a Weapon?
Dave has shown over and over throughout his canon that he's more of a gimmick type of guy. Because of this, I imagine that he would fit better as a Meister then a weapon. He shows knowledge that he would easily grasp being the one to wield instead of being the one to be used as the weapon. At the beginning of the series, he ridiculed about how John's modus is out of date and how he's already on a much more advanced modus. Dave makes "ill-beats" with his turntable and he's skilled in using swords (due to Bro Strider). During his session, he's given the title as Knight of Time, and is able to go through different timelines (creating Doomed ones while still being Alpha). He does this by using his turntables. Dave is also always using his cellphone or was able to combine assortments of items to create things like his iShades and even a legendary sword that would require a lot of gist and trial and error to get to it. Dave has shown that he would be the type who could wield their Weapon instead of being the Weapon.

Also, since Dave is always trying to aspire to be like Bro Strider, he trains hard, so his physicality should be stronger then your average teenager. His stubborn and more independent nature might also be a bit of a problem, since he might have trouble with being paired with a Meister if he were a Weapon. It isn't that he can't get along or partner up (as he is often working with Rose), but that it might cause strife to be wielded. He also seems to be rather good at helping others along and able to take charge, as he helped Jade when she entered the session.

What is your character’s Meister Ability? Why?
Soul Halt - The meister can stop an enemy’s movement for up to ten seconds, seemingly stopping time. The meister needs to make a successful hit on the target, and must be resonating with a weapon.
-The reason I find this to be a good skill for him is that he's the Knight of Time in his canon. To seemingly stop time would be similar to his skillset where he can travel through time and probably temporarily freeze time (which Aradia has shown she can do and holds the same title as Maid of Time).
Soul Irritate - Allows them to annoy other Meisters and Weapons to the point of disrupting their resonance. This ability is ineffective against the Holy Sword, Excalibur.
-As cool as Dave is, Dave can really be irritating. The things he says and the way he says it can annoy people at times. He can be so insistent that he had made Karkat rage quit and block him because he irritated him so much.
Soul Determination - They are able to take a mortal blow once and withstand it. While it does not heal them, they are given the strength to continue on in battle.
-As someone who creates many doomed version of himself, the BREW would take that ability from him. It would be a good replacement as, although it wouldn't be creating another self who would be doomed to die, it would still give him that feeling of a second chance to persevere.


Describe your character’s soul with six adjectives.
Cool, Collected, Artistic, Aloof, Sarcastic, Nonchalant

What does your character’s soul look like? Be creative.
Dave's soul will be the color of his eyes which are a candy mutant red which is also the same color he uses in his text. It will have black shades over its eyes to mimic the sunglasses that he wears himself. The small flame tail on the soul will mimic his hair, which is similar to that of the back of the head of a bird.


Provide a First Person style sample in the form of a post to the DEMISE network.
jegus fuck
because i just really fucking love being thrown into a new world suddenly
im not even surprised anymore
this has to be like
the millionth time its happened to me
which i am obviously exaggerating

so fighting witches
cool story bro
i mean
obviously taking my shit away and telling me to go fight
the level of intelligence with this BREW stuff is just highly alarming

i guess its time to get moving
i can make stupid puns too
and unfortunately it was wasted on everyone one of you because you have no idea why its a pun

Provide a Third Person sample set during the last minutes on their world and/or their first few moments in the Kishin Chamber.
He glanced at Rose momentarily. This was what their mission was. After this, they'd be gone. Rose on her quest bed, Dave on his own. They watched the timer go down slowly; ticking off the seconds one by one. He glanced at Rose one more time. This was what they were supposed to do.

And what happened might have been unexpected. He wasn't planning on surviving. It was supposed to be a stupid suicide mission to perform some crazy bullshit to reset their stupid game. But perhaps it wasn't a bad surprise. Their deaths on their quest bed. The arrival at the green sun. Maybe this was what they were supposed to do. The last thing he recalled was reaching God Tier and staring at Aradia, who was floating in front of them.

Now he was in a rather worn down room. It was a large room, obviously gone through some rough times. "What the hell?" It was the only thing he could say as he stared around. He looked down at himself. He was still wearing what he was wearing moments before. His sword was gone though. Rose wasn't next to him. Utter bullshit. He shouldn't even be surprised that something out of the blue has somehow gotten itself tangled up in Dave Fucking Strider's business.

And then those televisions appeared. Great, now he gets to watch some shitty re-run about how he's probably here to save the world and all that cool shit. This is just so stereotypical. Not usually fighting witches, but aren't witches like a step under demons? Almost the same right? Yeah, this is pretty stereotypical.

At least whoever the red-headed dude on the screen is helpful. Just to make sure, he tries to pull his timetables out. Of course...nothing happens. "Wow, I'm pretty sure if anyone was watching, I would be losing ten fucking cool points right there," he mutters to himself. Just to make sure...


Yeah, no. His iShades are now just shades. At least he got to keep them though. He would probably have a very uncool tantrum otherwise. At least that crisis was averted.

Here comes the plot-twist!

"Wait, what the fuck?" What the hell? Weapon and Meister? That wasn't under the stereotypical bag of stereotypes when trying to save the world. He rather have his old abilities back then suddenly wield or be wielded. "So I'm just up and giving up my attractive thirteen year-old body to some random fuck who might just be a little creepy? This is just a dream coming so true that I can not even think of a sick beat for it. No seriously, it's either I get used by some creep-o or I use someone else like a creep-o. Gog, I can't even contain my excitement right now." Can you hear his sarcasm? It's just everywhere today.

But, what the hell. Sounds like he's stuck here and it sounds like he might as well. Everyone needs Dave to go save them and be the biggest fucking superhero ever.

He takes the communicator and makes his way to his new 'home.' "Worst fucking detour. Ever."

Any extra notes you may have go here.

!ooc, application, @soul_campaign

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