Fic: Keeping Me Down, McCoy/Chekov, Chekov/OMC, Star Trek XI

Aug 26, 2009 17:46

Okay, I blame this all on _beetle_. Really. It is completely and totally her fault. Completely. *g*

*sigh* I'm dabbling in a new fandom. Hopefully I, and this, don't completely suck.

Title: Keeping Me Down
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: McCoy/Chekov, Chekov/OMC
Warnings: Rape, abuse, mentions of child abuse, humiliation, violence, general angst and ( Read more... )

star trek xi, chekov, bones

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Comments 20

_beetle_ September 2 2009, 01:50:45 UTC
Seriously, before I finish this, I just wanna say . . . I hope that asshole dies. And that I hope you make his death slow, gruesome, and non-disappointy. That said, on with the reading!


strickens_girl September 2 2009, 06:01:43 UTC
*crosses fingers for non-disappointy*


_beetle_ September 2 2009, 05:06:54 UTC
“Yeah, right, Ensign,” he drawled, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. “Pull the other one and you might get some candy.”

Chekov's head cocked to the right, confusion shining in his eyes. “What am I pulling?”

McCoy coughed “Forget about it,” before leaning forward to pull down the Ensign shirt collar.

Now that? That was perfect characterization!

By the end of his speech, McCoy looked up, staring into Chekov's sad blue eyes.

“You can not help me,” the boy whispered sadly. The sound nearly broke McCoy's heart. Without another word, Chekov slipped back up onto the bio-bed and curled up on his side, his back to the rest of the room - and the doctor.

Shaking his head, McCoy picked up their trays, setting them in the reclamator and cleaning up his lab. Picking up his PADD, he settled down to start updating his charts.

“I'll be here if you need me,” he whispered, only to be met by stubborn silence.

And there goes my heart. Chunks. Floor. Shattered.

“I wish everyone could know how strong you really are,” the ( ... )


strickens_girl September 2 2009, 06:01:13 UTC
*squee* I'm so glad you like. It makes me happy. You do know this really is all your fault. I never read any ST before, now I can't get enough and I'm writing stuff like this. It really is too much fun and I don't completely suck at it so yay!!! \0/

Gunn/Andrew huh? I've never written Andrew so that might be a stretch but I wouldn't count anything out at this point. *g*


captaincadet November 9 2009, 01:40:04 UTC
that was... pretty amazing, actually. frightening but sweet, i totally love it. great work!

just one thing... is this an inside joke of some variety, or is this just the best concidence i've ever come across in my entire life? "Emergency medical override code - McCoy - whiskey, alpha, november, victor, 13!” :D...?


strickens_girl November 9 2009, 02:43:56 UTC
*giggles* No, it's not a coincidence. I couldn't find any reference to any actual emergency override code McCoy might have had in the show, so I made one up. I used all my favorite Actives names from Dollhouse and my lucky number. *g*

And thanks for the FB. I loved this story. My first in this fandom so yay!


secretsolitaire January 11 2010, 03:59:08 UTC
Enjoyed this! Glad Monroe got what he deserved...


strickens_girl January 12 2010, 07:32:28 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad too. *g*


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