Title: Quiet Revolution / Chapter 16 - Brand New Sight
Author: street scribbles
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Hermione's date with Blaise finally happens. Some more stuff happens. And then . . . even more stuff happens. Do you guys still read my summaries? :P
A/N: This chapter couldn't have happened without you, burger face. :) And you know that. I know
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Comments 66
I also played Coldplay in the background ('The Scientist' is also a very good Dramione-song by the way) and my throat went dry and I was bawling my eyes out..
Curse you.
You write so beautifully and it finally happenened and oh, just everything..
I am too teary to review properly but yes, you again proved that this fic is worth all the time of waiting, the pain whilst reading because you describe everything so heart-wrenching and oh, I just love you.
And yeah, Coldplay is just amazing in general, I used "The Scientist" lyrics in Chapter One :) Aw, I just reread your comment and thanks again babe! <3
I'm so excited Betty! :D Get on so you can experience my excitement!
Oh I love!!!
“What did they ever do to you? What did Harry and Ron ever do to you? Does the flower bother you because it smells? Because it’s ugly?”
Hermione burst into tears. “You’re ugly!
And Hermione's MANICAL laughter? - the scene made me laugh. It wasn't supposed to, but I couldn't help but laugh at Hermione's little breakdown. Very cute ending to the ch though
“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, and he held on. “I need you. Please don’t ever let me leave you alone like this again. Please.”
Draco Malfoy was Hermione Granger’s secret revolution.
This is just too beautiful, really. Can't wait for the next chapter! I friended this journal so I can keep up with the updates, if that's okay? ♥
Totally okay! Welcome to the flist. :D
Oh, don't underestimate yourself! ;)
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