Icon Post #74

Dec 31, 2012 20:17

Another bunch of Revolution icons for couples20in20 This show and especialyl this couple has stolen my heart. And mind. *facepalm*

[20] Miles/Charlie for couples20in20
[o2] Miles/Charlie
[o1] Miles
[o2] Charlie

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tv: revolution, ♥ charlie/miles, ♀ charlie matheson, graphic: icons, ~ misc: couples20in20, ♂ miles matheson

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Comments 15

mustbethursday3 January 1 2013, 03:38:17 UTC
I love just a game - because it sets off all sorts of Charlie Vs Miles AU thoughts in my head. So that's coming with me. And Miles in AC #3...Damn that's a nice crop look at his shoulders and the line of his jaw *hees*.

I'm glad they've stolen your mind, it's for the good of Fandom.


mercscilla January 6 2013, 11:05:25 UTC
I love just a game - because it sets off all sorts of Charlie Vs Miles AU thoughts in my head

Damn that's a nice crop look at his shoulders and the line of his jaw *hees*.
LOL, He's so...lickworthy. *coughs*

I'm glad they've stolen your mind, it's for the good of Fandom.
^_____________^ Work might beg to differ but I DO NO CARE. *flails*


universically January 1 2013, 06:30:23 UTC
I love these icons! I have a real love affair going with silhouettes at the moment so I can't keep my eyes off Bebas font, it is just amazing. I also love what you did with texture and purple :)


lorency January 1 2013, 11:21:27 UTC
These are gorgeous. :) I love your Bebas font, Joy, Just a Game and your additional icons. The colouring and softness in those are great.


boutondor January 1 2013, 14:22:26 UTC
Taken a few. Will credit. Thanks :)


punk4life1315 January 1 2013, 17:52:46 UTC
Nice icons.
I really like bebas and cat #1. :)


mercscilla January 6 2013, 11:03:34 UTC
Thank you! :D


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