Jan 21, 2009 15:25

I seriously have no life. I'm bored outta my mind. I better start working on my Trish and Ashley icons. I barley made 10. XD So, off to work on it now. I'll post them up as soon as I get up to, 20? I don't know. Maybe I'll do it at night. Because my computer is going whack again. Shutting down on me every 15 minutes.

ashley massaro, bored, trish stratus, computer

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Comments 6

dx_chick1992 January 21 2009, 23:50:36 UTC
gahh I hated when my computer did that...and now this one gets spells every now and then where it cuts off. :/


stratusfan January 22 2009, 20:51:37 UTC
it sucks doesn't it? i seriously need a new computer. but, im broke. xD


rory_tutorgirl January 21 2009, 23:52:10 UTC
Boo to the computer behaving like that.
YAY for Ashley&Trish icons! I should stop procrastinating and continue my Ashley claim as well lol.


stratusfan January 22 2009, 20:53:06 UTC
i know. i hate it. i want a new one so badly.
haha. i know. they reek of awesomeness when they tagteamed. And as you should. Looking forward to seeing the awesome icons. (:


innersmile_x January 21 2009, 23:56:50 UTC
Good luck Cameltoe! lol. You can do it!:DD<3


stratusfan January 22 2009, 20:53:43 UTC
Haha. Thanks Kaitlyn. And you work on your Matt Hardy ones, too. (:


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