I caught 'An American Carol' with a friend and a friend of a friend tonight. It was a good flick - funny, good cast, gags, etc, and a (thankfully) refreshingly different point of view from the same old same old mainstream schlock. And Gary Coleman had a cameo, who couldn't like that?! The only downer was that there were fewer than ten people in the
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Comments 3
I haven't heard this expression before, what does it mean?
It's just a colloquialism for small talk or idle chatter. And shix? Just a 't' at the end that was too tired to stand up.
Btw, does anybody ever give the trouser girl a talking-to for coming in 10-20 minutes late every day?
nope, she has never been pulled up on her lateness record, i get the feeling that if i was so much as 5 seconds late i would not get away with it though, but then i am a temp and she's not.
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