Some cool supernatural short stories from around the Internet

Oct 10, 2014 22:12

Over the last few days, I came across a couple of pretty interesting short stories. They all deal with the supernatural, but the way they deal with it couldn't be any more different.

And I figured that they are the sort of stories many people reading this would be interested in

First, we have The Lion by Linus Recht. Originally published in the Read more... )

links, writing, creative works, mof stuff, chicago south side, online fiction, chicago, literature

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Comments 3

ladysisyphus October 11 2014, 13:11:57 UTC
Goodness, thank you for the rec! (And thank you for the new recs too, so I now have new things to read!) I'm very fond of that story, and I'm always thrilled when someone else likes it -- to say nothing of how happy it makes me when someone likes any of my f/f stories!

I don't know if you saw the wiki entry and/or author's note for this one, but this was a prequel to The White Palace, so if you're looking for something else in that exact vein, well, here there be more dragons. And if you're just looking for something good to read, I can't promise everything on the Shousetsu Bang*Bang top 30 list is supernatural, but plenty of the stories are, so you could do worse than starting at the top and working your way down.

Again, thank you! This made my morning to see.


strannik01 October 12 2014, 17:20:03 UTC
You're quite welcome. To be honest, I wasn't sure I was going to like it at first, but it wasn't long before I found myself intrigued, and by the time I got to the link to Part 2, I was eager to see what happens next.

I found the story by the way of andrewducker, so I didn't see the author's note or anything, but I'll most certainly look at The White Palace now. And I am not looking for just supernatural stories - I was just trying to stick to the theme :) - so I'll definitely check out the other stories.

Finally, since you've new to this LJ, I can't help but indulge in a bit of shameless pluggary. :) I've been working on a series of short stories set in contemporary Chicago - some with supernatural elements, some with none, but all set in the same universe. If you're curious, here's the complete list.


ladysisyphus October 13 2014, 03:36:55 UTC
...Ugh, I had a nice long comment typed out and I accidentally hit the back button and LiveJournal ate it. Here's the abridged version, with my apologies:

I'll definitely keep those open in a tab! I have perilously little time to read anything not related to my dissertation these days, which makes me so sad, but I'll keep them nearby for when I catch a minute.

Since you're a writer, I'd like to invite you over to Shousetsu Bang*Bang to participate! You can check out the signup for the upcoming issue -- the deadline for that is on Tuesday, which is unrealistically close for most last-minute participation, but there are lots of good links there for figuring out what things are like. Our next issue will be in December, so there's plenty of time before that. I'm the editor-in-chief, so I'm good to answer any questions about it.

Also, since I saw the 'Russian expat' part of your bio, I'd especially like to nudge you in the direction of our 2015 themes, particularly April's ¿Cómo se dice...? issue. We've got a lot of polyglots among our ( ... )


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