Things that've helped me through Twitter Flu

Jan 05, 2014 11:24

Since Monday, I've been dealing with a rather nasty strain of flu that seems to have gripped much of Midwest. And Southwest. It's why I've been calling it "Twitter Flu" - everybody I knew on Twitter (and, to the lesser extent, Facebook) seemed to be catching it.

Anyways... I'm not quite completely healed. I still cough. And sneeze. And still use enough Kleenex to require a new box. But the other symptoms have dissapated, and, honestly, I'd take dealing with runny nose and some cough over staying bedridden, weak and barely able to eat for another week.

But while I was bedridden, there are some things that helped keep me sane.

Podcasts. With Winamp, I can put together playlists and stream several episodes of some of my favorite podcast. I've explored Winamp's podcast subscription function (did you know you could get BBC Worldwide News, A State of Trance and some Chicago Public Radio podcasts on Winamp subscription? I sure didn't!).

And, of course, some podcasts from friends and acquiescences over at made_of_fail_pc. Anglofiles podcast by mysticowl, ceilidh_ann and RedHeadedGirl (she as an (inactive) livejournal somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it), especially the Sherlock Holmes and Romance novels episodes. Hate/Love Remakes Podcast by noelct and Eviey - particularly the Fight Night 2-parter.

I've also listened to my share of Winamp Shoutcast stream. There's the tried-and-true MST3K stream, but I've also grown fond of Dramatic Radio stream, which plays radio dramas from 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Having grown up in a country where radio dramas were very much a thing, it was kind of comforting, in a way.

Once I felt well enough to read, I decided to try to tackle my backlog of books, reading phoenix_anew's Christmas presents and some library books I had do. Reading the books actually helped my head feel less, well, foggy.

I appreciate everyone who wished me well on Twitter, Facebook or by phone/text. But I reserve special appreciation for my brother, vladiatorr, who stopped by my apartment to deliver garlic, chicken soup, two boxes of Kleenex and some essentials that were starting to run out. I really can't express my appreciation enough.

And, as weather services predict the coldest Monday in Chicago's recent history, I just hope I won't have to deal with Twitter flu again.


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