TV Musings and Random Thoughts

Nov 20, 2009 10:16

Let's start with last night's Supernatural:

Kripke WTF )

merlin, bones, television, glee, tv addict, supernatural

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Comments 36

shallanelprin November 20 2009, 15:27:28 UTC
I am so freaking pissed off about Jo & Ellen. I really love both characters and am annoyed beyond all reason at Kripke's seeming compulsion to kill off the women in the show while keeping the men (Castiel & Bobby, who I also love) around. I swear it's fan pandering at its worst.

Bones just keeps getting better, yeah? Love that show.

I am so freaking behind on everything else it's not even funny.


strangevisitor7 November 20 2009, 15:58:13 UTC
I knew it was only a matter of time before he offed them but I kept hoping i was wrong. I'd rather Kripke had never brought them back if all he was gonna do was kill them. I wished he'd been original and NOT killed Jo and Ellen - that would have been a better twist.

Bones is another show that just makes me happy to watch.


fonapola November 20 2009, 16:11:04 UTC
Aw, I really liked last night's SPN.

I'm totally sad that Ellen and Jo had to die (and Kripke really does enjoy killing people, doesn't he?), but I think it made a way. I mean, it's the apocalypse people are going to die/have to die, and it doesn't mean much to the boys (or us) if it's not anyone we care about. (Anyone feel any remorse when what's-his-name was killed in episode three?)

But, yeah, I totally get the disappointment.

I don't understand why Sam and Dean didn't call every friggin' hunter they knew to back them up as they went to meet Lucifer.

Heh, see this is why we win more logical points than our dear Winchesters. Backup would be good, yes? Yet, have they ever really looked for backup? Winchesters=consistently illogical. xD ( ... )


strangevisitor7 November 20 2009, 16:54:23 UTC
I completely understand that this is war and people die but seriously it's become almost cliche that anyone who isn't male will be killed sooner rather than later.

I have had my problems with the direction SPN has taken and initially last night's episode angered me so much I almost swore off the show, but I've calmed down. Hubby loves the whole angel/demon story line and he thinks the show is getting better all the time.

Always feel free to squee about the show - I still love the boys and there are many things I still love the show for all it's faults. I'm coming to terms with the direction the show has taken and ultimately I may not like everything Kripke is doing but I'd rather he change and grow the characters then keep them stagnant


dixid November 20 2009, 16:22:48 UTC
SPN is killing me, but that's probably because I have ovaries. Kripke, dude, leave the women alone! Not only did he kill Ellen & Jo, but all the women (and children) in that town? Someone has mommy-issues.

I'm sticking around though, at least til he decides to kill off Bobby.

And will someone please write the missing scenes from Ellen and Cas's drinking binge?


strangevisitor7 November 20 2009, 17:23:36 UTC
Kripke does seem to have issues - but I'm there until the biter end or like you until they kill Bobby.

I would love to read Drunk!Angel fic too


angeloblueflame November 20 2009, 18:57:58 UTC
"And will someone please write the missing scenes from Ellen and Cas's drinking binge?"

lol! Completely agreed there! :)


queenmidalah November 20 2009, 17:02:19 UTC
Bones... omg Bones just kills me sometimes. I want them together so bad and as much as people were hating on what the season finale did to them, I generally *like* where they are going with things to bring them together. I think what is happening now is Hanson chose an end date (or was given one) so he can start tying up the loose ends to get them together. This reminds me of The Nanny where there was all the UST and when an "end" was in sigh/given, the writers of the show put Maxwell and Fran together, leading up to the Big End.

I am so behind on Supernatural, but I read spoilers to an extent. I need to catch up.

I think I want to get into Legend of the Seeker after the single episode I saw. So I need to catch up there.

I also have started catching up on re-runs on BBC America of Robin Hood. Yeah... I want to watch the entire show now. *grumble*

The other one that sucked me in due to the season finale? Mad Money. So need to catch up on that. That's how Bones got me hooked too. Bastards :-D


strangevisitor7 November 20 2009, 17:30:21 UTC
Does Bones really have an end date? I figured the rating were good enough to carry it through a few more season. I agree - we'll probably see the consummation once the show is on it's last season but I hope that's not for a while.

I tried watching Robin Hood but after a half dozen episodes I gave up - it just didn't grab me the way Merlin has


queenmidalah November 20 2009, 18:01:00 UTC
From what I have heard, Hanson has agreed to two more seasons before ending things. However, that could change, I'm not sure. From what I've seen, season 7 or 8 is usually a good end point for series. Not counting the Law and Order series since they seem to have no end.

From what I've read of season 1, I would have too. I think what's caught me is watching Season 3 and frankly... I'm adoring Richard Armitage as Guy. I'm watching it for him to drool.


strangevisitor7 November 20 2009, 22:52:07 UTC
Rating rule those decisions - if FOX offers enough money I'm sure it will go and on.

If Robin Hood has gotten better, I might just have to give it another try.


asoneill November 20 2009, 17:06:39 UTC
Agree with pretty much everything you said about Glee. It fills me with so much joy... it's pretty much repeating constantly on my iPod. I am also seriously in love with Matthew Morrison.

Oooh... I wonder if they'll do Christmas music? :P

I'm enjoying V as well. We're taking bets on how long before the priest drops the vows and shacks up with Elizabeth Mitchell. :P


strangevisitor7 November 20 2009, 17:32:51 UTC
We're taking bets on how long before the priest drops the vows and shacks up with Elizabeth Mitchell.

I know it's evol of me but I'm hoping the same thing.

Glee is so joyful. After weeks of snide comments and teasing me for loving the show, I finally got Hubby to watch and he was pleasantly surprised. No one can resist the Glee'


pezgirl7 November 20 2009, 22:40:23 UTC
I'm enjoying V as well. We're taking bets on how long before the priest drops the vows and shacks up with Elizabeth Mitchell. :P

Haha I thought the same thing after the first episode! I'm not sure how I feel about the show yet. I definitely liked the original better so far. I enjoyed the characters better, and they spent more time showing how the V's worked their way into people's lives. In this new version, they show up, and then Bam!, 3 weeks have gone by. It could have been so interesting to see what happened in those 3 weeks and see how everyone acclaimated to each other. I also don't really like the terrorist angle. The whole Nazi comparison in the first version was more interesting IMO.


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