Round 3 Stranger Sign-ups!

Jul 06, 2009 16:39

Okay, THIS IS IT! Woohoo! Stranger sign-up time!

Quick reminder of guidelines! This is not a casual survey of what you'd like to see, this poll IS the sign-up. If you don't want to play, don't click de buttons! By filling out the poll, you are signing a mystical contract, the breach of which will forfeit your immortal soul to everlasting torment. (Or you'll have ~100 fannish types cranky with you. Same diff.) Please do not sign-up unless you are committed to following through. Once more, here is the Round 3 schedule and the FAQ if you need.

As always, selections for Stranger assignments will be made on the basis of the following things:

1) priority of fandom to that person
2) knowledge of the fandom
3) how many other fandoms that person signs up for

It's pretty easy to know if you've never heard of a fandom, but how can you be sure you don't know too much? We've laid out some criteria that we're calling "Minimal Knowledge." If you can honestly agree to 4 of these 5 things, then congratulations, you have Minimal Knowledge!

1) I have not seen more than 2 episode (for tv show) / 20 minutes of it (movie).
2) I can not name more than 3 characters in that fandom.
3) I have not watched more than 3 vids in that fandom.
4) I have not read more than 3 fics in that fandom.
5) I do not know major season arcs/plotlines of that fandom.

(These are just guidelines, guys. Your exact mileage may vary. Please don't run your knowledge by us and ask if you qualify. You know what we're looking for, be your own judge. Chances are, if you think you might know too much, then you probably do. Best to go with a fandom you don't know at all.)

Please read the poll carefully and thoroughly. When signing up, in the first four questions, you should check all 11 fandoms--once each--one way or another. You may take as much time as you like to decide what you want.

Sign-ups start now and close at the end of Saturday July 11th. Assignments will be sent out sometime Tuesday the 14th. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Poll Round 3 Stranger Sign-ups!

I reiterate this is not first-come, first-serve. You may go back in and change/view your answers as much as you want anytime before it closes. To do so, click on the poll number, then click the [Fill out Poll] link at the top of the page. Please note that the general "view answers" option is locked to mods only. This is to protect the anonymity of synopses when we post them later.

Thanks, everyone, and GOOD LUCK! :-D

round 3, mod

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