I’ve been slack on the Classic Who front for a fair old time - I blame the BBC for making too many new shows that I’ve wanted to write about instead! But a weekend at home has given me the chance to fill in another slot in my viewing of the Hartnell era
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Comments 27
I did, and have been talking to people about this ever since I first saw The War Machines.
In actuality, of course, the template was laid down in 1953 in The Quatermass Experiment, but it is a template that Who had been deliberately avoiding for its first three years.
Your comment also makes me wonder how much weight we should give to the difference between actually landing on an alien planet, and landing on a space-ship or space-station of some kind. For example, you're right that the Ninth Doctor era was heavily Earth-bound, but how significant is it that four episodes are actually set on space stations orbiting future versions of the Earth (Platform One in The End of the World and Satellite 5 in The Long Game and the final two-parter ( ... )
A real pity, because there are all too many later ones, too, who suffer from this.
And I absolutely agree about the opening shot. After so many stories have opened with the TARDIS materialising in weird and alien places, it's very exciting to see it suddenly manifesting in such a recognisably contemporary setting. In particular it must have given audiences at the time pretty much their first ever opportunity to gasp and think "Oh, we are part of all this! These aliens worlds and past cultures amongst which the Doctor walks - our world, too, links in with them and, is just another stop on his travels!" That illusion is very much part of the enduring appeal of the show, I think.
For all my admiration of the John Wiles/Donald Tosh era of Doctor Who, the brief stopover to collect Dodo conceded that there was a need to occasionally drop anchor in the present day despite their assumption that the programme couldn't do so without undermining its entire appeal. I suspect Lloyd and Davis intended this would happen once a year, to change companions, though this didn't go as planned the next year ( ... )
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