Right - now that Life is all up to date and I have some free time, I can continue with my Who reviews. I return here to the
sequential viewing of Sarah Jane's stories with the Third Doctor which I started last month.
Third Doctor: The Monster of Peladon )
Comments 4
And I was clearly correct. Almost universally, critical reaction to Monster hammers it as an over-long, dull remake of Curse. So it is very interesting to see you take a much more positive approach to it. (Have you seen Curse yet?) Personally, I think the general assessment of Monster is probably near the mark, but it does have some great Sarah Jane material, particularly in episode 5, when she thinks the Doctor is dead. What does she do? She steps up to the mark and takes on the Doctor's role, telling everyone what to do. And when the Doctor comes back, he doesn't patronize her (and this is the Pertwee Doctor, who patronizes everybody - in Day of the Daleks he even patronizes himself!), but picks up the reigns again as if Sarah has functioned as a perfectly good deputy in his absence.
Maybe ten-year-old boys find this excitingMore importantly, Jon Pertwee found the opportunity to drive or fly lots of vehicles ( ... )
No, I haven't seen Curse yet. I wonder if it'll seem to me like an over-long, dull remake of Monster when I do? ;-)
And good point about The Three Doctors - I hadn't noticed that in the serials list.
I will definitely watch however if the brigadier is in it, Am very impressed he is still alive and acting as I remember his looking absolutely ancient in a Dr Who documentary at least 10 years ago. Wikipedia says he is 89, wow. And he is currently shooting a film in which he will be the Archbishop of Canterbury, is there no end to his talents?
And yes indeed - HOW COOL to have the Brig back?! Everyone keeps hoping for him to turn up in Doctor Who, but if we can't have that, having him back in The Sarah Jane Adventures is a very close second best.
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