I was involved in some discussion on Skell's Tumblr recently (
here, and
here) about some of the basegame premade sims and which face templates they were based on. Some of them seem fairly obvious, while others are much harder to pin down. Inspired by this conversation, I've been taking them into Bodyshop (which I've done a little before, and was often surprised by my findings) to get a little more scientific (results are
here, and
here), and I'd love to open this up to more discussion and analysis with a wider audience.
Here are my results so far:
Beau Broke - Face 1 and 28 (altered) ???
Brandi Broke - Face 1 (altered)
Dustin Broke - Face 13 and ???
Jennifer Burb - Face 2 (altered)
John Burb - Face 2 (unaltered)
Lucy Burb - Face 2 (altered - jawline only)
Dina Caliente - Face 2 and 15 (brow and forehead) (altered) ???
Nina Caliente - Face 3 and 15 (altered) ???
Darren Dreamer - Face 2 and ??? (altered?) ???
Dirk Dreamer - Face 2 and ??? (altered?) ???
Alexander Goth - Face 18 (slightly altered - chin/neck only)
Cassandra Goth - Face 17 (altered)
Mortimer Goth - Face 2 (altered)
Don Lothario - Face 2 (altered)
Coral Oldie - Face 13 (altered)
Herb Oldie - Face 2 (unaltered)
Angela Pleasant - Face 14 and 16 (altered) ???
Daniel Pleasant - Face 2 and 9 and ??? (eyes/brow) (altered?) ???
Lilith Pleasant - Face 14 and 16 (altered) ???
Mary-Sue Pleasant - Face 8 and lips from ??? (altered?)
Pleasantview Bella Goth - Face 2 (altered)
Circe Beaker - Face 28 and ??? (altered) ???
Loki Beaker - Face 12 (heavily altered) ???
Nervous Subject - Face 1 and 17 (heavily altered) ???
Lazlo Curious - Face 8 (altered)
Pascal Curious - Face 8 (altered)
Vidcund Curious - Face 14, 15 and ??? (altered) ???
Buck Grunt - Face 2 and 18 (altered) ???
Buzz Grunt - Face 1 and 17 (altered - eyes only) ???
Ripp Grunt - Face 1 (altered)
Tank Grunt - Face 2 and 17 (altered) ???
Ajay Loner - Face 1 (altered)
Chloe Singles - Face 2 (altered)
Erin Singles - Face 1 (altered)
Kristin Singles - Face 3 (altered)
Lola Singles - Face 2 (altered)
Jenny Smith - Face 2 (altered)
Jill Smith - Face 2 (altered)
Johnny Smith - Face 14 and 15 (altered) ???
P.T. No. 9 Smith - ??? (really, really not sure about this one, for obvious reasons)
Ophelia Nigmos - Face 28 (altered - brows only)
Olive Specter - Face 1 and 14 (altered) ???
Strangetown Bella Goth - Face 1 (altered)
Capps - didn't check them yet
Montys - didn't check them yet
Bottom Summerdream - Face 13 (nose) and 27 (unaltered)
Oberon Summerdream - Face 5 (nose) and 27 (altered?) ???
Puck Summerdream - Face 27 (unaltered)
Titania Summerdream - Face 27 (altered)
I will edit this as I get more/better information.
I've only included playable premade sims from the basegame. The ones with ??? next to them are once I remain a little unsure about in one way or another. I also welcome disagreement about the ones without any ??? next to them, if you have evidence or theories (which we can test) of a better match. Please dig in and do some Bodyshop work of your own (you can download them all
here at at
maxis_taste) to share here or just react and discuss however you like. I love talking about face templates. This stuff has always been really fascinating to me.
I'm thinking of maybe making some gifs out of my Bodyshop shots to include here when I get a chance. Flipping back and forth between the templates in Bodyshop really helps to illustrate some of the similarities and differences that are not as easy to see when comparing two images side by side.
Also, I'm still getting over the fact that I've only just realized that Ripp was based on face 1 (more on that
here and
here). How could I not see it before? Someone please tell me. How many times have I looked at his face? Thousands? Millions? Haha!