Title Beginning of Forever
Challenge Wheel of Fiction The Philippine Madrigal Singers - When I Fall In Love
Rating PG
Media Original Fiction
Notes I had a very limited time so I couldn't make it 3000 words, but I desperatly wanted to post story to this challenge, so I did my best. Hope, you'll like it :).
It was nice May morning. Cally woke up in a great mood and with a huge smile. Why? Who cares, she is happy-go-lucky person and was always in high spirits. This day was wonderful also because it was Saturday - the best day of weekend, when you still have two whole days without school. Morning and day passed as usual between daily chores and some reading. But nights on weekends were special, it was time when Cally and her friends hang out together.
There were seven of them who were close friends - three boys and four girls. Nobody exactly remember how their friendship start, but they became very close during last years. They support each other with everything they had in the time of need and shared joyful moments. Each of them had a happy family, but they considered themselves sort of siblings.
Today only Katherine had free time for a walk around city, nothing special, but very important gossip time for two young girls.
Evening was warm and gentle. Cally said to her companion “I think this evening is magic. I have this strange feeling that something wonderful will happen to me these days, maybe, I’ll fall in love?” She wanted to dance, sing ,fly…life was just wonderful!
“I think you may be right, there is something about you lately”, said Katherine.
Cally admired her friend who recently had a very hurtful break up with her boyfriend but genuinely supported her when she was happy.
Hours passed by, girls were walking and talking about every possible thing on the Earth, then went home to rest.
Several next days were quite uneventful. Time passed between studies, cleaning, doing laundry, more studies, cooking, much more studies… And Cally was relieved when she received the phone call from her another friend, Daniel.
“Hey, Call! Nice to hear you! Katherine and gang will be together in the city, they want you to come.”
“Sure, I’ll come, I missed them so much.”
“Great, I’ll give you a ride, okay?”
“Yes, It would be great. I’ll be ready in 20 minutes.”
Cally dressed into light blue jeans, matching top, tied her hair in half ponytail, put on pair of flats and was in the yard just when car pulled over.
Evening with friends was great. They had a lot of fun in their favourite café, than had a walk in the beautiful central part of the city - happy carefree bunch of young people with all possibilities in the world.
“Hey, Cally”, said Daniel, “would you go with me to my work I have some papers to bring there and then I could bring you home?”
“Yes, sure, Den, let’s go”
Cally was waitin on the bench and enjoying beautiful spring night. She was feeling something familiar, something she couldn’t place finger on but it was warm, nice and homey feeling with some tingle of déjà vu and she remembered felling from other night with Kate.
“Magical”, she murmured.
Her day(or night)dreaming was interrupted by Daniel, who silently sat near her, but feling remained. They looked each other in the eyes and surprisingly their gazes lingered and it was like they saw their souls. Friendship, loyality, admiration, unrecognized love and a promice of forever were filling their hearts. Their souls were full of piece and accomplishment, like entire universe was preparing this moment for them. They felt no fear, no anxiety or passion only contentment. They sat like that several magical moments more than began walk to car. Neither of them felt the need to speak about this, they let univerce to have its way. There were no awkward tension or discomfort, need of explaining or rush. Daniel drove Cally home and there were no kiss or promices of love. They fell asleep that night with peaceful thoughts about beautiful feelings the shared and about their forever to cherish, deepen and enjoy them