Doctor Who, Firefly, Stargate Atlantis - Fics: Multiple (PG)

Nov 25, 2009 02:48

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Song
Rating: PG
Characters: Charin
Disclaimer: Doesn't belong to me and never will.
Author's Note: Written for beth_soprano using the prompt Stargate Atlantis, Charin, song (Theme: Three Sentences) at comment_fic.

She hears the song call to her when she is a girl, its words whispering to her of secret histories and lost worlds. The melody stays in her head, haunting her day and night, as she grows and learns, becomes a woman and loses the man she loved. She watches her life unfold and inside she sings a song of life, hope, death, and the Ancestors.

Fandom: Doctor Who/Firefly
Title: Ice Cream
Rating: G
Characters: The Doctor [Ten], River Tam
Pairing: River Tam/The Doctor [Ten]
Disclaimer: Doesn't belong to me and never will.
Author's Note: Written for maab_connor using the prompt Dr Who/Firefly, Doctor/River, craziest companion ever (Theme: Three Sentences) at comment_fic.

"We're upside down; the sky is made of ice cream," she declared and he thought nothing of it, except that if that was true they should've brought some of those brightly colored sprinkles.
He flung the TARDIS's door open and peered outside at a glowing world of dangling buildings that hung from orange cliffs like vines and shone under a green sky speckled with airships.
River came to stand beside him and slipped her hand into his, "mint chocolate chip."

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Charlie Chaplin
Rating: G
Characters: The Doctor [Ten], Donna Noble
Pairing: Donna Noble/The Doctor [Ten]
Disclaimer: Doesn't belong to me and never will.
Author's Note: Written for beth_soprano using the prompt Doctor Who, Doctor/Donna, time lost (Theme: Three Sentences) at comment_fic.

He grinned at her in excitement, "so...Charlie Chaplin?"
"Took you long enough." Donna pulled him towards the TARDIS, ready to make up for the time they'd lost, "Come on!"

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Brilliant
Rating: G
Characters: Donna Noble, Handy, Jenny
Disclaimer: Doesn't belong to me and never will.
Author's Note: Written for beth_soprano using the prompt Doctor Who, Handy!Ten & Donna & Jenny (gen), substitutes (Theme: Three Sentences) at comment_fic.

They were each and every one a substitute. The copy, the temp, & the daughter - replacements for a family lost. They didn't let that stop them from being brilliant.

Fandom: Firefly
Title: Bent
Rating: PG
Characters: River Tam
Disclaimer: Doesn't belong to me and never will.
Author's Note: Written for chibifukurou using the prompt Firefly,River,aint broken (Theme: Three Sentences) at comment_fic.

Serenity's not broken, she knows, as she hears the ship whisper to her in the night and whispers her secrets back. They made it through the fight and they are healing, even as the faces haunt her dreams - faces of the future and the past, the dead and not-yet-born. Bent, never broken.

character: serenity, fandom: doctor who, fandom: firefly, fanfic, fandom: stargate atlantis, crossover: doctor who/firefly, pairing: donna noble/the doctor [ten], character: river tam, comm: comment_fic, rating: pg, character: donna noble, character: jenny, character: the doctor [ten], pairing: river tam/the doctor [ten], character: charin, character: the doctor, character: handy

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