Title: A Collection of Dates, "The Stormy Date" Rating: PG-13 Author: mikki13 Fandom: Chuck Pairing: Chuck/Sarah Prompt: #03: a flash of lightning Word Count: 2,790 Disclaimer: This is getting kinda repetitive . . .
Summary: A series of one-shots exploring the progression of our favorite relationship through a succession of important dates. Season 2 AU
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Title: A Collection of Dates, "The First Date" Author: mikki13 Fandom: Chuck Rating: Soft R Word Count: 2,848 Prompt: the full moon Disclaimer: Not mine. Really.
Summary: A series of one-shots exploring the progression of our favorite relationship through a succession of important dates. Season 2 AU.
Title: The Many Colors of Chuck Bartowski Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,773 Prompt: Rainbow Characters: Sarah, Chuck Disclaimer: Not mine, although I may commandeer NBC studios if it doesn't come back any sooner than March. Stay tuned for further details.
Summary: Preparing for a cover date, Sarah reflects on the changes Chuck has brought into her
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Title: A Second Author: mikki13 Fandom: Chuck Characters: Chuck, Sarah, Casey, other Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Rating: Soft R Prompt: #22 - a second Word Count: 2,032 Disclaimer: I own Chuck. Oh, wait. That was my wishful thinking talking.
Summary: Sarah discovers how much can happen in a second.