uno. This is the second year in a row I have been nominated for the
Ron/Hermione Awards in the Best AU Fic category for
The Guardian Brotherhood, and I am still absolutely stoked about it. You wouldn't think so, since I haven't updated with a sequel or written much in the Harry Potter fandom this past year, but as I
mentioned, I still love this
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Comments 27
I don't think the show has anything right. Not really sure about the book. I mainly loved the love that Mary got to have by the end of the book. I believe that they speculate about that being accurate.
Haven't read Inheritance yet.
I think Arthur started out kind of sexual to really grab people. The pull of the moon for wolves is basically like a very different PMS. They want sex in abundance which is mostly supposed to help them find their soulmate. When they find their soulmate they never want another... but Riley is Vamp and Wolf so that makes things interesting. They basically want to be with a bunch of different wolves so they can be and they don't get stds. Anyways, it tones down. Oh and while I won't tell you if she ends up with Quinn, I will tell you he's in every book.
Hm... I don't remember the second book being so bad but I do remember really loving the series after a couple. Sorry if you don't like them.
Nah, I know they changed a lot of things around, though I did hear they used some of PGregory's material for the earlier (Anne) stuff at least. You mean they (Henry and Anne) speculate about Mary?
Oooh you will enjoy it. In any case, try to read it before the next season of the Tudors starts because it will deal with Katherine Howard. This may very well tempt you to get with it ;) Lots and lots of scandal in the book.
I'll try to get my hands on the third book, but I'm afraid KArthur doesn't grab me much *shrug* Matter of taste, really, because I honestly do understand the whole pull of the moon and all.
Yes, I can't wait to see the 4th season of The Tudors but it will probably be a while as I don't have Showtime.
Well, to each their own. I get what you are saying about it but it was one of the few werewolf stories that actually interested me which is probably because it isn't mostly about that.
Mm we'll probably get it in October here on CTV. Sigh.
I'm not really into werewolves. I mean the only one that fascinated me I guess was Remus Lupin in Harry Potter, but even then I've always been sort of ambivalent about him... Ah well, I might find a werewolf story I like someday...
I missed your HP verse, you're a great writer - The Guardian Brotherhood is character driven with complex meaty plots. Hope one day you'll continue this verse.
Perhaps once I'm officially done with school I can devote some time to the sequel. After all, most of my chapters have been churned out during the summer. After this month and the exams in April I'm totally free of school forever (hopefully) :D
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