Lost & Star Trek XI icons

Jun 01, 2010 23:12

Some icons to fill up my Big Bang Alt at jjverse. A lot of requested Lost-Stuff (Skate, Jate[I don't ship either, fyi], a lot of Peen and Daniel/Charlotte) as well as some icons from iconstant and one for icon_crack, and some Star Trek XI icons (and one Anton Yelchin).

30 + 3 Lost (including The End)
18 + 5 Star Trek XI (and one Anton Yelchin)


Close CropFake BackgroundNegative Space DuplicateBlend 

 Looking Down Looking Up Bright Colours Yellow Orange

 GreenVioletBlack&WhiteArtist's Choice 1 Artist's Choice 2

Artist's Choice 3Artist's Choice 4Artist's Choice 5Artist's Choice 6Alternate 1 

Alternate 2Alternate 3 for iconstant 1 for iconstant 2 for iconstant 3

for iconstant 4for iconstant 5 for icon_crack  


TextureObject OnlyRedArtist's Choice 7Artist's Choice 8

Artist's Choice 9Artist's Choice 10Artist's Choice 11Alternate 4Alternate 5

Alternate 6Alternate 7Alternate 8  

-Lost pics from The Confessor and the Seeker Society Fanboards, LOST images from Lost Media and Home of the Nutty, the rest found through picspams and google searches

- resources
- comment, please (I love comments)
- no hotlinking
- textless icons are not bases
- credit realproof (well, just don't say it's yours)
- friend this community :) ♥

movie: star trek xi, tv: lost, !!maker: realproof

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