Title: Five Times Santana Forgot to Hide Her Love for Brittany (And One Time She Couldn’t)
Pairing: Santana/Brittany
Rating: PG-13
Word Count ~1200
Summary: Does exactly what it says on the tin!
Author Note: This is my first gleefic so be gentle!
Spoilers: Briefly alludes to 2.15 “Sexy”
Pinky holding was kind of their thing. Brittany had started it in their freshman year after she’d got scared they’d get separated in the crowds between classes in the unfamiliar school.
“I don’t want to get lost.” She smiled her sad smile, and Santana had rolled her eyes and taken her hand because that’s what she did. (She didn’t want to get lost either).
Sometimes when Brittany was busy, Santana went shoplifting with Puck. She didn’t tell Brittany, of course, and Brittany didn’t ask where Santana’s never ending supply of new clothes came from. Sometimes she was glad Brittany didn’t always put things together.
(Sometimes she wished she’d put things together faster, like when they smiled at each other over the piano in glee club and then danced in their own little world.)
One time Santana and Puck had been running from some mall rent a cop and Puck had reached for Santana’s hand to pull her towards a different exit and she’d reacted like she’d been burnt and pulled her hand away.
The next day at school Puck watched her and Brittany walk down the corridor with their little fingers entwined.
Mr Schue kept coming up with lame glee club assignments. Or giving Rachel all the solos. Or, god forbid, rapping, which Santana found intolerable on so many levels that she couldn’t even think about it. One week he asks them to sing a song about unrequited love and Santana snaps to attention and unconsciously moves her chair a little further away from her best friend.
She watches Mr Schue’s eyes follow Ms Pillsbury past the doorway as he speaks and fights the urge to roll her eyes. Typical. Why did everything have to be so on topic all the time?
Rachel sings a song to Finn sings a song to Quinn sings a song to Puck. When it gets to her turn Santana sings ‘Thinking of You’ and tries her hardest to keep her eyes fixed on the back wall. She makes it through the first verse and chorus before her traitorous eyes stray to Brittany’s.
Thinking of you, what would you do if you were the one who was spending the night?
She flicks her eyes back to the wall but not before she catches the smile on Brittany’s face.
Oh I wish that I was looking into your eyes.
Quinn looks backwards and forwards between the two of them with a faint smile on her face, like finally, and Santana pretends she doesn’t notice.
No more mistakes, ‘cause in your eyes I’d like to stay.
When she sits down Brittany scoots closer and swings her legs into Santana’s lap happily. Santana’s allows herself one small smile at the floor before she fixes her face back into its scowl.
Santana always stays over at Brittany’s house before their big competitions. They don’t talk about it but Santana goes over to Brittany’s house days before Sectionals as though it were a Cheerios competition and they snuggle up on the couch and watch Bring It On for the millionth time.
Brittany twirls her hair round her finger for a moment, and Santana knows this means she’s thinking about something, “I think glee is my favourite thing.”
Santana hits play on the remote and settles back onto the couch by her best friend. “Yeah, me too. Amongst other things.” It’s as close to an admission as she wants to get.
Brittany snuggles closer and slips her arm through Santana’s. They watch the movie in silence for a moment before Brittany adds, “My other favourite thing is you.”
Santana tightens her arm against Brittany’s and swallows, “Yeah. I know.”
She’s ridiculously aware of the way Brittany’s leg presses against her own and moves up and down with the beat during the routines. They’ve seen it so many times before they know most of the lines.
“I never understand why Torrence kisses Cliff at the end.”
“Duh. How else would it end?” Santana doesn’t roll her eyes, but if anyone else had said it she probably would.
“Why doesn’t she kiss Missy?”
Santana turned to her in disbelief. “What?”
“They’re in love, right? That’s what the movie was about.” Brittany is being completely serious and Santana isn’t sure how she ended up best friends with someone so damned earnest.
“They’re in love?” She’s going for scorn and she curses the way her voice breaks on the last word.
Brittany looks at her like it should be obvious. “We’ve seen this movie a million times, don’t you pay attention?”
Santana can’t stop the eye roll this time and when she looks back it seems like Brittany is a lot closer than she was before but she’s sure it’s probably her imagination.
“Duh.” Brittany adds. She’s definitely closer.
Santana swallows. “Duh.” She whispers, and closes the gap between them.
Santana forgets she’s supposed to be bothered when Puck goes after other girls. She spends most of her time watching Brittany and Artie out of the corner of her eye and wondering if attacking a guy in a wheelchair would be considered a hate crime.
She tells Brittany it’s not cheating but she knows Brittany doesn’t believe her. Not really.
(Sometimes she’s glad Brittany knows. At least that means this is something.)
There’s one stall in the ladies room that they lock themselves in sometimes during Math class and spend the period making out. (Santana keeps the out of order sign in her locker.) It’s not exactly hygienic but it’s theirs, and no one ever wonders why that stall is blocked so often.
When the bell rings, Brittany pulls away from her and smiles. “I have to go find Artie.”
“I... what?” Santana feels the loss of contact like a hammer blow, and then the stupid boy is between them again and she pulls up her bitch armour as quickly as she can.
“Fine. But I won’t be waiting.”
She pushes past Brittany and snatches the sign off the stall door as she leaves. She drops it in a trashcan down the hall and then stops dead, clenching and unclenching her fists.
(She goes back for the sign.)
She’s never aware that she’s doing it but she somehow ends up next to Brittany in all the big numbers they practice. She loves dancing with her best friend. There’s something about the way that Brittany moves that gets her every time. Santana knows she can dance, but Brittany’s in another league. (Sometimes she wishes she’d bothered to get up for those Saturday morning dance classes with Brittany when she was younger.)
When she’s singing ‘Valerie’ she forgets she’s not dancing in the back with her best friend. She forgets about the crowd, and the competition, and her (she can’t believe she’s about to use the word) friends. So fine, maybe she’s a little jealous when Brittany dances with Mike Chang but she’s not good enough to dance and sing at the same time and she wants Brittany to have her moment as well.
(Still, she can’t help beckoning Brittany over halfway through the song like they’re hidden in the back and honestly? She doesn’t care who sees.)
As soon as they’re off stage Brittany has her nose pressed into Santana’s neck and they’re laughing together while everyone else hugs and high fives in the background.
“That was amazing!” Brittany grins at her, slightly flushed with tousled hair, and Santana wants nothing more than to kiss her right then and there.
“That’s my girl!” Santana takes a step back quickly and nearly trips over Artie’s stupid wheels. She turns away before she’s forced to watch them together. Again.
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills, well maybe the landslide will bring you down.