Sunset Sparring (Active)

Sep 27, 2008 20:26

Character(s): Seifer (mirroredscar) & Suigetsu (giantsdrink)
Location: Outside, sunset.
Content: Sparring cockheads. That is to say, Seifer challenged whoever listened to for a duel and Suigetsu accepted it.
Warnings: Language and some violence.

Finally, Seifer was going to get rid of his boredom, or so he hoped. The truth was, he honestly thought that moron that was shouting at him through the little PDA device wouldn't last two seconds. Outside, the sun was slowly setting. They probably had around twenty minutes or less before the dark engulfed the city and the little creatures came out to play. If you asked Seifer, that only helped with the challenge.

Tapping Hyperion against his shoulder in impatience, the gunblader yawned and placed his free hand on his hip, looking around. The city was boring, the people were boring and the food was fucking disgusting. He thought about getting a job as a body guard, but that usually meant night time and he apparently couldn't land a blow on those pesky Childes or whatever they were.

Either way, he was bored and he was waiting for Suigetsu to pop in.

seifer almasy (mirroredscar), suigetsu houzuki (giantsdrink)

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