fic: His Dark Materials

Jan 01, 2010 13:21

Yuletide reveals have occurred! I want to read all of yours! And rec things! Later. I'm about to go out, but I wanted to get this posted. Note to self: cross-post later.

title: Descent
fandom: His Dark Materials ; Marisa/Asriel
word count: 1118
summary: They exist together, still and keen, dragonflies preserved in a perfect void. Their wings are ( Read more... )

fanfic: i wrote some, fandom: his dark materials, fanfic: yuletide

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Comments 14

miss_atom January 1 2010, 23:11:01 UTC

oh Dizzy, you are beautiful, this is beautiful, it's made me all hollow and sad :( in the good way.

Somewhere, Asriel will flee; elsewhere, he will die. Elsewhere, he will fight, and still elsewhere, he will win.


I hope you don't mind me saying this but I feel Slaughterhouse 5-y about it, they are falling in the abyss, they are nothingness yet all their moments are mingled together in a beautiful tragic experience. ♥


♥ ♥


stop_theworld January 2 2010, 16:34:35 UTC
Oh Kelly, thank you so much. Your feedback always means so much to me.

I don't mind your saying that at all!! You know, I think it was Pullman who said something about how his writing is a sum of everything he's read, how he's stolen a bit from every author he has encountered. So there's a nice bit of poetry to the thought that maybe something I read recently echoed in this work, however unintentional it may have been.



hihoplastic January 2 2010, 17:30:43 UTC
DAMNYOU. I read one or two of these books (?) a long, long time ago and literally the only thing I remember is a polar bear (?) and being absolutely devastated. I have no idea why. But DAMNYOU and your amazing poetry.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely sure what's going on because I don't know the story and I'm not familiar with the characters. But there are so many emotions in here that are just breathtaking. I love this: Their eyes grow accustomed to a dark so thorough that they shed the need to see as a serpent sheds its skin. and I love love love the use of the Somewhere inserts. Especially: Somewhere, Asriel will flee; elsewhere, he will die. Elsewhere, he will fight, and still elsewhere, he will win. And of course the last line is perfect.

Please to be writing a book someday, k?


stop_theworld January 3 2010, 04:55:31 UTC
You will never cease to amaze me, with your absolutely lovely reviews of fics for fandoms you're not even into. ♥ (That said, you should totally read the trilogy through; they're my favorite books in all the world and I think you would love them. Yes there is a polar bear!)

And just, thank you so much. You are far too kind to me! ILU. <3


hihoplastic January 3 2010, 09:23:47 UTC
I can't help it! Your writing is too amazing to pass up. When I finally get around to a recs post, this is so going on there.

I really want to read it/them again! I'll have to wait until I'm home, because English books are SO expensive here, but. Plans. I has them. (Yay polar bear!)



stop_theworld January 4 2010, 04:44:09 UTC
You sweetheart. ♥ Thank you!

As long as you do eventually! :D Do you have them at home? (The polar bear is AWESOME. He is one of my, um, eight favorite characters.)



cartography January 2 2010, 23:09:29 UTC
I've only read the entire series once so far, but when I re-read it, this is going to be my personal canon. I can't even find words to tell you how beautiful this is, so I'll just say that I absolutely agree with what the other two have said. Just gorgeous.


stop_theworld January 3 2010, 04:57:06 UTC
Thank you so much, Isa! ♥


jade_sabre_301 January 3 2010, 19:26:37 UTC



the sections about them falling reminded me of Virginia Woolf's writing in the best way, and all the different universes--and the ending--and I love love love the way you describe their relationship as both refusing to be in love and yet it can't be anything else and. Oh, this was beautiful; thank you.


stop_theworld January 4 2010, 04:47:30 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! Your feedback made my day. ♥ They have one of my favorite fictional relationships ever, so it's really lovely to hear that I did them justice for you.


honeynoir January 3 2010, 20:59:35 UTC
Oh, this was so beautiful! Especially loved the poetic touch to it, and the "Somewhere"... <3


stop_theworld January 4 2010, 04:44:41 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥


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