Official Porn Battle Post: BSG, Private Practice, Bones, Harry Potter, HDM

Aug 15, 2008 16:46

All my porn ficlets in one place, for posterity and cross-posting purposes! The rest of my recs will probably go up this week, once I get home from vacation.

Title: Vessel
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Prompt: Tigh/Caprica, curse
Original post: here

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fanfic: i wrote some, fandom: his dark materials, fandom: private practice, fandom: harry potter, fandom: battlestar galactica, fanfic: porn battle, fandom: bones

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Comments 5

fastandfunky August 15 2008, 23:04:49 UTC
I'm so oblivious as to who posts in communities. Definitely was not expecting to come here. Haa.

Really awesome, Diz. I'm so awful at articulating how much I like things. If you could see me flailing and smiling you'd understand. :P
Also? I love Cooper/Violet smut. I wish there was more. :(
Finally? I deleted my only Cooper/Violet related icon D:


invicta_affect August 16 2008, 01:37:24 UTC
Ah ha, I only read the Marisa/Asriel one, and I kinda guessed that was what she was gong to tell him.

Lovely work!


miss_atom August 16 2008, 13:36:39 UTC

Obviously you already know how much I love it when you write Marisa/Asriel but I also wanted to let you know that BELLA/LUCIUS IS LIKE MY FAVOURITE HP SHIP.

I need an icon of them. I am totally bummed about the release date :(:(


stop_theworld August 19 2008, 15:17:06 UTC

sldkfjlsdf I saw a picture of Bella in HP6 in Entertainment Weekly and thought of you right away. THE SCENE WHERE SHE AND NARCISSA GO TO SNAPE. SLDKFJLDSKFJLDSKFJ.

Summer 2009 WTF WTF WTF. :-( And omg if you make Bella/Lucius icons I will die a happy death.


miss_atom August 19 2008, 16:33:59 UTC
I SAW IT TOOO!!! and then there was a picture of her on a table looking like she was gonna cut a bitch! It was AWESOME.

When I heard that the release was being pushed back it made me sad :( because when you sent me a card you wished my 2008 would be filled with Bella in HBP. And now it wont be :(:(

For you and this fic I will make some Bella/Lucius. ♥


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