captain-ally and potential TW plagiarism

Jun 02, 2010 20:44

I'm a little hesitant to bring this up because I'm not quite sure if it's a simple case of incredible fandom hive mind or actual plagiarism, since it's not word for word.

On June 1, a reader brought this link to my attention. A reader on twstoryfinder was looking for a specific story:

I remember part of it was set during Meat, it might have spanned more than one episode. In it Jack is with Ianto and when Rhys asks him and acts all jealous because of Gwen , Jack tells him that he is with Ianto. I am drawing a blank if you guys could help that would be wonderful.

Simple enough story. Lots of people could have written it. However, the story Define Complicated by the FF.N user captain-ally (published 3/3/10) was similar enough to mine that this reader felt the need to contact me and bring it to my attention.

I do have screencaps in case the story gets yanked, but am having a little bit of trouble uploading them at the moment.

Here is the link to my story, published 8/10/08.

I have skimmed through her other stories, but I don't see anything of mine (or anyone else's) in them. I have not contacted her as of yet, however one friend of mine has commented on her story with a link to mine:

This is a really great story, unfortunately there is an eerily similar story posted here: http:/

I know the author personally and know that she wrote this story TWO years ago. Just FYI - your story seems dangerously close to plagiarism.

Thank you so much in advance, whatever your ruling.

mod: ashes_and_wings, fandom: torchwood, site: livejournal, site:, medium: fanfiction, 2010

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