Just a heads up that we've just been alerted to a plagiarist who has submitted stories to one of the archive's I'm involved in.
The fandoms involved are CSI: New York and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
The details are as follows:
Plagiarist: The Dark Knight
lovlyangl on fanfiction.net and
See Jane Write on SVUfiction.com.
The Dark Knight's story The Hidden World was a rip off of lovlyangl's story
Vampires Darkness. A line by line comparison of one of the chapters can be found
The Dark Knight's story Once Upon a Heartache was a rip off of several chapters from See Jane Write's story
Like Mother, Like Daughter. A comparison of The Dark Knight's story versus chapter 24 of See Jane Write's story can be found
here. The yellow highlighting shows the text lifted directly, without change, from See Jane Write's story.
In accordance with our policies, we've deleted all of The Dark Knight's stories from our archive but I've kept copies of the files and taken a screencap of the list of stories she submitted to us (which can be found
here). The stories in question were called:
Once upon a heartache: Broken Promise (CSI, Sara/Warrick)
Stranded (CSI: NY, Mac/Stella)
The hidden world (CSI: NY, Mac/Stella)
Trust (CSI: NY, Mac/Stella)
So this is just an alert, really, in case she tries uploading them anywhere else or already has.