And I Heard, as it Were, The Sound of Thunder... (Open Log)

Jan 10, 2012 06:34

Who: Everyone!
What: The first signs in the breakdown of civilized society.
When: Jan 10th-16th
Where: The S.S. Thor
Warnings: *points to "what"*

One of the four beasts saying, Come and see... )

red, naoto shirogane, duo maxwell, !event, sherlock holmes (2009), raimu 'rhyme' bito, irene adler

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general crime...fighting...? OPEN TO ANYTHING yes_mother_hen January 10 2012, 17:09:12 UTC
[from one scene of chaos to another-- it's funny, considering that his mind wanders to images of Blackwood and his following of 'Dark Magic', even if that case pales in comparison to the one that he's just come back from. Ironic, really, that the events of that case should now be a little more relevant to this current situation than his most recent endeavor.

not that he doesn't see the correlations between the threat of impending war and...this. Moriarty's words ring fresh in his mind: "humans have a proclivity towards conflict--you're fighting the human condition, Mr. Holmes."

he traces a dried graffiti scrawl with one finger, pretending not to notice the group of shady-looking gentlemen coming towards him. most likely after his wallet-- Holmes surmises that the first three are the attackers, and the gentleman in the back row is the leader.

it's funny, how obvious they make their lineup.

first line of attack? does he need backup? either way, this is gonna be a brawl!!!]


WOW I'M SORRY FOR ALL THESE EDITS yes_mother_hen January 15 2012, 20:10:42 UTC
He's seen the invitation, of course, and he's given it some thought, as well as the issue of Irene being here-- funny, since that hasn't been much of an issue for months, now. He'd almost gotten accustomed to seeing her around, and now things feel almost as awkward as they'd been when he hadn't expected to see Irene, way back when she'd just been a newcomer to the Thor.

Irene would be Irene, however-- that much was certain, even if there were some dissonances in his mind.

"Hazard a guess as to my reply, then."

He starts walking down the hall, his gaze facing forward.

(( and if you'd like to continue on DW, we can continue the thread here! ))


Crime fighting? Probably been dealing with it all day pishirogane January 10 2012, 18:26:37 UTC
[Certainly took time for the chaos to reach a point and it was going to steadily increase here on out, wasn't it? Naoto frowned, shifting her unneeded (but reassuring) blue-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and lowered her hat. Arthur was at her heels and Roul scuttled onto her shoulder as her eyes locked on the shady group, singling one out.]

[Yes, he was the culprit. He had taken that watch she desperately needed to finish before the 19th.]



[She was analyzing the situation. It was not a matter of taking them all down; she could handle that, but it was now the factor of the other at the graffiti. That was Homles, wasn't it? Oh bother... Well, rubber bullets and she shouldn't hit him... Hrm.]

[Naoto stepped out, making her presence known behind the ground, her eyes narrowed in a dark scowl.]


Hope you don't mind some threadjacking~? usedellipsis January 10 2012, 18:58:07 UTC
Red doesn't like chaos. He likes his piece and quiet, thank you very much. But his hero complex is stronger, so he's out there putting the bad guys to sleep with Venusaur's powder.

It looks like the man and the braided boy had everything under control, so he goes on his way out - but stops when Naoto steps out with Zorua. Interesting. Pikachu's ears perk, quickly recognizing a Pokémon when he sees one.

Red tries to use his Pokédex on it, but...

-Entry no found-


Nope~ pishirogane January 12 2012, 01:30:25 UTC
"Roul... Arthur, you both know what to do."

While she goes to join the fray, Roul moves onto Arthur's back while the dark fox Pokemon darts towards the target. There's a watch on his wrist that doesn't belong there and his owner wants it back!

With the confusion of the fist fight (and the number of people the gang was fighting becoming three), Arthur's Illusion ability confuses the target while Roul gets onto his flesh unnoticed. They're down in a moment, thumping loudly against the ground as the tiny electric insect paralyzing him with Thunder Wave.


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