You know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby! [Open!]

Jun 29, 2011 01:09

Who: Naoki + a few demons + YOU~
What: With such a lush jungle environment around, some of Naoki's demons have wandered loose and are roaming the halls.
When: The duration of the Drive
Where: Anywhere!
Warnings: Them demons are a bit hungry...

Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here everyday. Ya learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play. )

ventus, naoki kashima, naoto shirogane, mail "matt" jeevas, shiro fujimoto

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Comments 80

Here, have an exorcist. Just toss any demon at him. fujimoto_shiro June 29 2011, 14:57:02 UTC
Shiro wandered down the hallway, sobered up after some time spent drinking. He moved at a relaxed pace, his hands held behind his back. Navigating through this place was confusing enough, and he had yet to commit much of it to memory: the sudden growth of foliage was an unexpected difficulty. Despite these things, he did not become flustered.

Still decked out in a traditional yukata, which seemed far more comfortable in this heat and crushing humidity, his footfalls were mostly silent despite wearing wooden clogs. But, he heard something behind him, lurking along. Shiro paused, casting a glance over his shoulders, the lens of his eyeglasses picking up a glint from what little light managed to weave through the overgrowth of trees.


Sure thing! Here, have a Cerberus :3 helpful_demons June 29 2011, 18:20:23 UTC
Now Cerberus felt right at home in the jungle's heat, and the foliage did well to mask his presence despite the way his striking white fur stood out against the greens and dark browns. But in all of this new natural scenery, he couldn't help but get his blood pumping and the urge to hunt.

So when he saw the man in the yukata with the glasses, he of course couldn't help but prowl after him. His own amber eyes glinted and locked onto the human's, and his long tail swished behind him. A low growl rumbled in his throat.


fujimoto_shiro July 4 2011, 06:04:26 UTC
Well, … damn.

The soles of his sandals dug into the ground briefly before he bolted off in the opposite direction. Shiro was caught without the typical arsenal he’d have at his disposal: nobody thought enough to bury him with a shotgun, it seems. This man seemed to have more than enough life left in him, as sprinting through these trees didn’t seem to present much of a challenge to him.


helpful_demons July 4 2011, 06:46:45 UTC
Cerberus let out a growl and followed after the retreating exorcist, keeping a steady pace with his prey. The white lion soon began running after the man, easily weaving through the dense jungle. His long tail swished eagerly as he focused on taking down his quarry.


Cerberus - Long time no talk! backhandjustice June 30 2011, 04:53:10 UTC
[Ventus definitely felt watched. A few years of training and quite a few months of fighting Unversed had drilled it into him that his senses were not something to be ignored. He frowned as he picked his way through the now jungle-like Thor, sans his armor since it was so hot! His armor would have just been torture and he was not into that sort of thing.

His fingers itched as he worked his way through a mass of vines, not yet summoning his keyblade, but almost feeling that he should.]


Indeed! How've ya been? :3 helpful_demons June 30 2011, 07:25:18 UTC
Indeed, this little human should be feeling watched; after all, a pair of amber eyes were watching him intently. A low growl sounded from Cerberus' throat, and his tail was swishing eagerly behind him. The cat was ready to pounce, creeping after the boy. Perhaps he may notice the faint white hidden beneath the green of the leaves?


Busy! backhandjustice July 2 2011, 02:06:08 UTC
He sort of did. It was hard to tell if it was his imagination or something real, but for all he knew it was an albino jetpack lion. So far they had not proved dangerous, just pranksters at best (at least to him), but still he would rather not face one.

His muscles tenses between his shoulders and he hurried on through the woods, pushing aside vines and leaves and always on the ready for an attack. He knew better than to relax.


Same lol helpful_demons July 4 2011, 04:50:22 UTC
Cerberus let out a growl, following after the boy. He was getting quicker; he must have sensed his presence. The great lion demon began chasing after Ventus, following at a steady trot.

This chase would be fun.


Orthrus if you don't mind! 100percentmail June 30 2011, 17:24:21 UTC
Matt's caution wasn't something to be trifled with, but admittedly he had never been in the jungle as far as he could remember. There was one time he and Mello got lost in the (what seemed like) forest at the edge of the compound when they were small. But that was his experience with things like this.

From behind tinted goggles, everything seemed a little more like a fantasy world, green is askew from the normal colour it would be. If Matt thought about it just right he could pretend it was little more than a dream. A dream that held jet-pack lions that he'd already had to dodge once today.


Certainly! :3 helpful_demons July 1 2011, 06:07:46 UTC
It's a shame that this really wasn't a dream for you, Matt. Because perhaps then you wouldn't notice the two sets of eyes watching you from the dense foliage. Indeed, with such a lush natural environment, it was hard for this particular creature to not have the urge to hunt. And now, he had found his target.

Matt would definitely hear Orthrus' growling, but it would sound like it came from two creatures. He prowled forward, leaves crushing underfoot.


100percentmail July 4 2011, 04:03:20 UTC
Matt turns his head from right to left, wondering just exactly what he's hearing in duplicate. Detective with a major in technology doesn't teach a man how to identify the sounds specifically of some sort of creature from some world he didn't even know existed.

Instead, Matt blinks as he finally pinpoints the forward movements of the-- "Jezuzfuck..." He takes a step back, then a few more, slowly trying to keep himself calm and try to get out of there.


helpful_demons July 4 2011, 04:54:39 UTC
Orthrus didn't bother to hide himself, since Matt had already seen him. The great canine beast stalked forward, both heads staring intently at Matt. A fierce growl escaped from both his throats, fangs baring.


pishirogane July 6 2011, 04:36:04 UTC
The heat was unbearable, but still, Naoto put up with it. She had left her jacket in the room and donned her summer uniform instead as she made her way back to her room. Arthur was following, but having the time of his tiny life with the temporary forward. He could easily maneuver through the tangled growth and just watched as his master climbed over and walked around until she was on a generally clear path.

She sighed, pausing, watching Arthur come darting over to her, his ears twitching. Suddenly, they froze, pointed straight up and the fox started to growl. Naoto's eyes narrowed and she reached for her holster. What was coming this time?


akumazensho July 6 2011, 05:13:50 UTC
While most couldn't handle the blistering heat, some actually thrived in it. That's how it was for the Seiten Taisei, or Wu-Kong as his master had called him. The lush jungles and warmth were welcomed for the monkey king, and in such an impressive environment he couldn't help but explore and test his skills on whoever he came across.

He was maneuvering through the dense foliage on his floating cloud, staff propped over his shoulder, when the demon spotted the little black fox and his human traveler. Well, that was an interesting pair indeed! What better targets to practice on?

"Prepare yourself!" the Monkey King hollered, leaping from his cloud and swinging his staff, hard, in a downward arc in front of him.


pishirogane July 6 2011, 05:17:56 UTC
They were already prepared. Both Naoto and Arthur leapt aside, coming to lock on the strange creature. What was it or who was it? Arthur barked at the Monkey King while Naoto had her gun out already.

"Who are you and why did you ambush us?" she demanded. She wasn't expecting an answer, but another attack already. Seriously, he came out of nowhere, trying to attack them; why the hell would he stop now to answer them.


akumazensho July 6 2011, 05:31:28 UTC
These ones were fast, the Monkey King would give them that. He stood up straight, hefting the staff up on his shoulder.

"You really don't know who I am??" he asked, sticking his chest out proudly. "Really, what're you kids learning these days?? I'm a legend, you know!" He jabbed a thumb at his chest. "I have more titles than any man would bear! I am the Stone Monkey, the Handsome Monkey-King, the Keeper of the Heavenly Horses! I am the Great Sage, Equal of Heaven, Son-gyōja the wandering monk, the Victorious Fighting Buddha! I am Sun Wukong, and you are my latest opponents!"


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