[ closed ] trying to make it work

Jun 28, 2011 22:00

Who: suzaku + milly.
What: stop trying to throw me a party!  also blind empress what do???  all this and more over dinner, oyes.
When: right now get your butt in gear, milly!
Where: ... 5-1!
Warnings: nnnone at all.  probably.  there might be cuddles later on, but that hardly needs a warning!

but man, these times are hard. )

milly ashford, suzaku kururugi

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Comments 5

shes_got_guts June 29 2011, 23:17:57 UTC
[Sammich or five course meal, she's still going to harass him about cooking for her like a good little housewife. But when Suzaku does something, and hopes to do it well, she knows very well to stay away. Getting under his feet could end with a pan to her face, honestly, so she has taken up residence in the next room over (his room, now made hers), plotting how to make his birthday (and Shirley's. And her own. And Nunnally's welcoming party) the very best. He deserved one, with ice sculptures and whatnot... But she'd discuss it with him over a good meal.

Though, he was taking an awfully long time with it... So, quietly, carefully, she peeked into the kitchen, noticing that the night was a bit out of it. Perhaps he wouldn't hear her grab a a spatula... She's tempted to smack that ass of his with one, but she tiptoes behind him, and ruffles his hair, smiling.]

If you keep staring at the pot like that, it's going to burn the food. I thought you were a master chef, Kururugi~ [And there's the ever present teasing tone. She doesn't need ( ... )


keptdown June 30 2011, 00:47:30 UTC
[ sdfgh JUMPING- also the spatula to his ass would have been worse, but ehhh he appreciates the thought.

none the less, looking over his shoulder at her and sighing. ] Really. [ hhhmph. ] Treating me like a kid will do no good.

And, I'm no master chef. That's Lelouch vi Britannia, presumed master of everything. [ pfff. lies and slander riri. ] I won't burn the food. Don't worry.


shes_got_guts June 30 2011, 01:42:09 UTC
[She chuckles, and pats his back, moving away from his zone and taking a seat on the counter, swinging her legs, and smiling.] You know, you're younger than I am. I can treat you like a little boy if I want, kiddo~

[She chuckles again, and looks to him, knowing full well he's a man, and if anyone's a happy-go-lucky child, it's her. But nonetheless, young men need some bothering for them to be any good~] Lulu's no master at athletics, though, so I'm sure he's got happy faults elsewhere.

[and she looks at whatever is in the pot, and sniffs it. It's not bad, actually... Even if she does prefer her food a little less crispy, she'll deal if (read: when) he burns it] Hey, what are you making? It's actually not as crappy as I thought it would be~


keptdown July 3 2011, 21:52:48 UTC
[ good, good, he'll settle down then and give Milly a look. ] I doubt age has anything to do with it. If we're going by things like that, then I'm taller. [ and I have a bigger ass B| WHAT NOW-- no, just kidding.

a snort at the mention of Lelouch's athletic ability as he returns his attention to the stove. ] He doesn't need to master something like that; that's why I'm his knight. I will slash away those faults, because they are his weakenesses.

[ though by his light tone, it's only meant to be taken half-seriously.

... watches her sniff the food... 8|a ] And, it's a secret. You'll see when it's done.


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