'Twas the Night

Dec 24, 2010 20:07

Who: motherofthesun and YOU!
What: Delivering magical gifts all over Thor
When: Laaate Evening Christmas Eve, Early Morning Christmas Day
Where: All residential rooms including the Gardens
Warnings: None? Unless your character is gonna freak out and cuss

When necessary, Amaterasu could be very, very quiet and the doors were very kind to open up just as quietly. Sure, she hadn't dressed completely like Santa, but she had to keep the look close enough. The bag she carried was small, but filled with enough tiny objects she could magically manipulate. Still, a few gifts did need to be brought along, but it was only a matter of zipping back to her room and returning with it.

(OOC: So, this is the Santa Log for Ammy. Yes, she's coming into your rooms and delivering your stuff. Most will not be wrapped. If you wanna find out what your character gets, you tag. Of course, if you want to notice her and try fighting, catching, talking, or whatever.)


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