Who: Chihaya and Crowley
What: Chihaya needs hugs and goes to perhaps THE WORST POSSIBLE PERSON EVER to get them.
When: A couple of days ago actually, but I am a buttface and yeah ;;
Where: Crowley's room
Warnings: ...Crowley
So an emo angel walks into a bar... )
Comments 77
The door opened at his direction, revealing...one pathetic-looking black-haired angel.
Well. That would probably nicely explain the anticipatory chill he hadn't even been sure he'd had just a moment ago.
"...What's up?"
"I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd say hi!" he chirruped, swaying from side to side ever so slightly.
The question was, did Crowley care enough to pry it out of him?
...Not that it was really much of a question. Chihaya had somehow managed to endear himself to Crowley despite everything (good-natured, unspoiled innocence tended to have that effect on the demon), so obviously it was time to pry.
"Well that's thoughtful of you. Do you want to come in?"
"Yes, please and thank you!" Chihaya beamed, and, learning from last time, stepped into the room without another word and taking off his shoes at the door.
"I'm sorry I didn't bring a gift with me."
"You don't need to bring anything."
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