Who: Fai, Italy, Youmu and Danny
What: PARTY AT DANNY’S!!!! (Possibly without his permission~?)
When: Sometime this evening
Where: Danny Fenton’s room
Warnings: More than likely: explosions, horribly messy substances that just won’t come out no matter how hard you scrub and a high chance of random cuddling and such. Also, Alcohol
What could possibly go wrong~? )
Comments 144
Mr. Next Door Neiiiiighbooooorrr come out to plaaaaaaaayyy~!
What is it?
I made food! And then a whole bunch of us thought that we should share it with you.
[As he's looking him up and down quickly...]
Ve, I was right. You're way too skinny.
[Danny is completely confused at this point. He'd seen this guy around before, of course. But why was he suddenly here?]
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