Four Drabbles not about SuMin

Jul 06, 2011 07:06

Four Drabbles not about SuMin
drabbles, 90-260 words
suhoon-centric, hyunchul/yunho, injun/minah-ish, one-sided hyunchul/jihwan, pg-pg-15
warnings; they're all super short and i don't plan on expanding on any
Four drabbled that I found in my folders that I decided were relevant enough to post. DGNA’s fandom is too small to hold anything out on you all.

suhoon-centric, warnings; bdd/eating disorder, pg13, 209w

Suhoon wanted to cry; he wanted to cry or hit someone. Since at that moment he was alone in the dorm he resorted to the former. Sitting on the floor of his room he cradled his face in his hands and sobbed. Leaning against his bed he poured out his emptiness into his hands, hoping to feel something.
He didn’t know why it was so hard, his life. Being him seemed like the most complicated thing ever. He wished his brain didn’t work the way it did, that it could just work normally like everyone else’s seemed to. He wished he could look at himself and see what others said they saw.
But he didn’t.
Who were the liars, he wondered? The people who said he was thin? The ones who said he looked fine? That he didn’t need to diet? Or himself, the one who saw a different story. He felt he should know the answer, but he didn’t. To have the truth about yourself hidden from you… To have the idea that maybe you’re the one who doesn’t get it… Suhoon didn’t know what to do.
He just wanted to be happy, to see himself not as he did then; as beautiful.
Maybe, just five more pounds?

hyunchul/yunho, pg15, 191w

Hyunchul decides that he can consider the genetic lottery won. He didn’t ask to come out ‘looking like’ Kim “Hero” Jaejoong, and up until now he didn’t think much of the supposed resemblance. But as his idol Jung Yunho pushes him against the cold wall of the bathroom stall backstage at Music Bank where they were currently making out his, while hissing “you look just like him” into his mouth, Hyunchul cant help but be thankful for being Jaejoong’s apparent mini-me.
Okay, so maybe he shouldn’t be so fine with being Yunho’s Jaejoong replacement lay. The thought crosses his mind that he should feel used and appalled, but as Yunho’s hand make their way south, the only feeling Hyunchul can identify is lust.
Popsicle’s stage is soon, he thinks. Realizing maybe he should leave and his hair is becoming a mess; his stylist is going to freak. And yet every hurdle his brain tried to make him jump, he was ready for. Nothing could stop this moment.

(“M-my hair,” he ends up choking out.
“Stylists are used to this stuff,” Yunho replies as his hands do things to Hyunchul.
“Oh, okay.”)

injun/minah, pg, 260w

The first time Bang Minah spoke to Lee Injun he was hopeful. He recalls her sitting next to him in the lunch room one day; setting her tray down next to his. He had been alone; Hyunmin usually sat with him but he was out sick on that particular day.
“Hello,” Minah had chirped, sliding next to him on the bench. Injun hadn’t really known how to reply; he didn’t usually have girls he considered pretty talking to him. And he did consider Minah pretty, with her shiny brown hair, infectious personality, and constantly smiling eyes.
“Hi?” he said, smiling at her at little, she smiled back. “What brings you to my table?” he decides on saying, figuring that he really did want to know and it didn’t sound that weird.
“Oh, I just noticed you were alone,” Minah explained, her blinding smile still going strong. “You usually eat with Hyumin, so I figured you wouldn’t want to eat alone.”
‘Oh’ was all Injun could reply with as he stomach flip-flopped. He didn’t know how Minah had rendered him silent, lost for words, that in of itself was a major achievement when it came to Injun. He suddenly found himself excited with this new prospect, Minah, she was nice, and pretty, and a lot of fun. This excitement, though, was short lived.
“So where is Hyunmin?” Minah ventured, the tone of her voice rising in such a way that made Injun’s stomach fall as he realized what had really brought Minah to his table, or more accurately, Hyunmin’s table.

one-sided hyunchul/jihwan, pg, 90w

Hyunchul never planned to say it. Never meant to look Jihwan in the eyes, take a deep breath, and say it out loud. He especially didn’t plan on saying it the day of Jihwan’s wedding, while the two of them were getting prepared.
And yet, when Injun was called form the dressing room by his own wife, and it was just Jihwan and it was just the two of them, Hyunchul and Jihwan, Hyunchul said it.
He figures that he’ll never regret anything more than that.

(I’m in love with you, Jeon Jihwan)

p.s. um shipping names for hyunchul/yunho and injun/minah, anyone?

pairing; injun/minah, rating; pg-13, rating; pg, centric; suhoon, fandom; daeguknamah, fandom; dbsk, rating; pg-14, pairing; hyunchul/yunho, fandom; girl's day, length; drabble, pairing; jaram

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