Plagiarism in Torchwood Fandom

Jan 13, 2012 11:11

Recently, I got a review on a fanfiction I wrote in September. The reviewer said that my fic (which was part of a one-shot series) was plagiarized on deviantART.

My fic, which was written live over Google docs in front of a friend of mine (who beta read it), was published September 17th, 2011 on

The plagiarized fic was published on deviantART on September 23rd, 2011.

The fic is word for word the same as mine--except that the section at the start that contains the same few lines that are in all the oneshots in my series was taken out. The title has also been changed.

My profile.
Plagiarist's profile.

Note that the comment left on the plagiarized fic is from one of the people I wrote my fic for. The only review on my original fic is the one telling me about the plagiarism.

I have taken screenshots but I don't know how to make a cut in order to post them here.

mod: misscam, fandom: torchwood, 2012, site: deviantart, medium: fanfiction

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