Who: Everyone and everything! All of you are invited. :3
What: Preventer's 1st Annual Winter Gala (though they may call it a Holiday Gala next year because, lol, it's not winter in the Southern hemisphere 8U); dress code is black and white, no dates required 8)
When: December 24. This log is so forward dated and backtag friendly. :D NOBODY IS LATE TO
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[unfolding a nicely-trimmed napkin and laying it over a thigh, though he hasn't fetched food yet, he hangs back and observes the other gala-goers, content to let his mind feel through the crowd of refugees]
[it's been a busy evening and she hasn't even hit the floor once yet]
[right now, the mechanical quartet of droids is set to shuffle and she has no idea what they're playing; as she passes by the tables, she issues a voice command to play something she's more familiar with after this number]
Frank Sinatra. Fly Me to the Moon please.
[a small holographic screen pops up flashing:]
REQUEST CONFIRMED. ETA TO REQUEST: 0 minutes and 48 seconds
Miss Une. You look quite lovely.
[Charles is, at the very least, a gentleman]
[he nods to the screen]
I imagine I only know that song because a neighbor in University was quite fond of it when it first came out.
[but he likes it nonetheless]
[never could let go of formality; we're not in Moscow anymore]
I can say the same for you. As for the song, it's quite dated where I'm from. Over two centuries old. But I tend to favor the classics.
[she's clearly well-versed in taking compliments with a flippant stride]
Now that makes me feel like a real old fogey, even if it is just a time-space inconsistency or somesuch.
[the designer, the planner, the good intentions -- and an over-arching sadness; it all swims on the top of her mind]
I beg your pardon then. Disrespecting one's elders is deplorable.
[he tilts his head in bemusement at her; he can feel the quiet desolation radiating through him, heavy and moist, and meets it with pure sincerity]
I would ask you to dance, but I have the striking impression you would decline.
I can always accommodate.
[And heaven knows, I should. Anything to forget that swiftly fading face.]
[he offers a hand to her, the other gesturing to the very nearby dance floor]
[it has been a while since he's danced the ballroom; a part of him seems excited]
I'm out of practice.
[not entirely true; though lessons with Wesker had been unique]
[nothing is ever enough]
[an attempt at cheer as he finds a beat in the song and allows himself to be swept into it, guiding her along like it wasn't a question to begin with]
[beats counted out, feet remember their place with ease, and he keeps an equally professional and friendly closeness to her]
It's far better to be straight to the point.
[even if he did not always practice such; it isn't so much hypocrisy as it is selectivity]
You arranged all of this, did you not? I feel quite honoured to be dancing with the woman of the hour.
[without all the need for the meandering of words, though Charles is already likening it to a defense mechanism]
[more casual perusal, and-- ...ah. a lost loved one.]
[he stops there, his smile waning]
And are you fond of Christmas?
[he wonders if she'll lie]
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