But I wanna know one thing [open]

Oct 25, 2011 23:33

Who: lyriumbranded and YOU!
What: Fenris is a bedsheet ghost this month, and he will be the most drywall bedsheet ghost you have ever laid eyes upon.
When: Now!
Where: Down on the planet!
Warnings: Fenris' excessive lack of enthusiasm for this job. I started off with prose, but you can respond with bracket form if you like, as well!

When did I become a ghost? )

estelle, gon freecs, fenris, komui lee, oswald, shale, zuko

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Brackets because I'm a lazy jerkkk. deconflagration October 26 2011, 15:53:32 UTC
[ This is a lovely planet. Filled with fog and real monsters. Except for that guy in a bedsheet who went "boo" as he approached. Zuko is unafraid of Bedsheet Man, though that doesn't stop him from staring with arched brows. ]

Did you get separated from the Ember Island Players or something?


brackets are awesssooommee lyriumbranded October 26 2011, 18:29:26 UTC
[Fenris is not particularly disappointed when people do not seem TERRIFIED of his presence. He probably would not be, either. He stares, bedsheet moving slightly in the faint wind.]

[Under his sheet, he raises a brow at the question.] ...The what?


deconflagration October 27 2011, 05:12:53 UTC
[ Zuko just. Doesn't understand the point of this. ]

Oh, you wouldn't know.... Basically, it's a group of stage performers who end up butchering every performance. What you're wearing is a costume, right?


lyriumbranded October 27 2011, 17:59:06 UTC
[And you think that Fenris does, really?]

It is supposed to be. [Fenris then grabs a handful of the sheet between his fingers, and pulls it off. He looks a little disheveled under it all.]

The costume of a wandering spirit.


deconflagration October 29 2011, 17:11:50 UTC
[ Hopefully more than Zuko! Fenris, did, after all, take the job! ...Oh hey there, you looked way different than he expected! ]

I'm pretty sure Wandering Spirits or more... transparent. Besides, isn't that a bed sheet?


lyriumbranded October 30 2011, 18:18:24 UTC
[Well, he took the job... more or less not knowing what he was signing up for. Being illiterate often has that effect.]

Yes. It is. It was part of the mission description, however. My employers were very adamant about it.


deconflagration November 1 2011, 02:51:16 UTC
[ ...All the sympathy, Fenris. All the sympathy. ]

Think it's supposed to mimic the attire of some planet of bed sheet ghosts?


lyriumbranded November 3 2011, 03:45:37 UTC
Perhaps. I did not inquire. I simply did what was told of me.

[The irony did not escape him. Fenris frowns and removes the sheet, grabbing the top of it with one hand and pulling it away.]

It seems to be a habit, as of late.


deconflagration November 3 2011, 05:12:13 UTC
...Well. It's good that you're doing your job with such loyalty. Even if it's not the most... normal job around, it shows good character that you're sticking with it.


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