[Open!] I wanna go to a sushi bar♫

Oct 13, 2011 16:14

Who: lovemehumanity and whoever happens across him (he'll stay in the bar for several hours, so feel free to approach him).
What: Eating sushi, crowd watching, potential trolling, philosophical conversations, whatever! Prose and brackets welcome!
When: Thursday evening 13/10/11
Where: Some sushi bar
Warnings: Should be harmless, but I'll update if anything comes up

Work had been tedius and undemanding, pricicely the kind of thing that was guaranteed to bore him, and whilst he was glad his Guide had so far been prone to behave in so far as it had only signed him up for jobs of his choosing, it wasn't the kind of work that could truly hold his interest. But no matter, he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd oriented himself enough to allow his true vocation to flurrish; working for Preventer in the capacity of both accountant and casual informant at least gave him a base from which to begin, and there were plenty of other distractions on board the vast ship to hold his interest. Right now for example, inconspicuously positioned in one Thor's sushi bars with a cup of green tea and some surprisingly good quality ootoro, he was indulging in one of his milder yet nontheless favoured past times; crowd watching. Bringing his cup to meet his lips, he continued to surreptitiously observe the crowds moving past the window, idly watching for anything that might be of interest to him.

suì-fēng, izaya orihara

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