Who: Cho Hakkai and unfortunate passersby OPEN
What: Hakkai is at work. His job this month is to model swimsuits. It's basically the worst job ever for him.
When: All month!
Where: Planet-side, on a sunny beach.
How: [Brackets] or prose are both fine with me!
Warnings: Pale, skinny nerd; eye protection is advised.
[He'd been very firm about the speedos. He would not be wearing any of them. He did not care how cutting-edge and fashionable they were. A cracked ulna (someone else's, not his) and a few of his more alarming smiles had driven his point home quite nicely.]
[Unfortunately, there were still plenty of cutting-edge and highly fashionable trunks.]
[And despite his best (worst) smile, he was only allowed to pull on a shirt during his breaks.]
[On the plus side, he didn't have to work hard at all to appear moody-bordering-on-pissed-off while having his photo taken, which was the usual request from the popular photographers. Also on the plus side, he'd been assured multiple times by a cheerfully smiling assistant (whose face he would have just as cheerfully pushed underwater, were he more inclined to give in to his violent impulses) that 'that awful scar' would be digitally removed before any of the resulting photographs were published. Which caused him to wonder, on several occasions, why they even needed live models at all, considering the range and scope of the technology they used to erase a model's imperfections. Wouldn't creating a perfect digital image be just as time-consuming as taking and editing a million photos?]
[With work over for another day, Hakkai is just pulling on his shirt as he exits the shoot area and walks out onto the beach proper.]