WHO: Those who have been matched up for the Lonely Hearts Dating Service!
WHAT: The second round of dates! The first round, which is STILL OPEN FOR TAGGING, can be found
WHEN: This round is the 17th-20th. So the dates could have happened during any of those days, depending on what would have been feasible for your characters. Picking actual
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Then again. The machines on the other side of those card tables did seem interesting. They were shiny, had flashing lights and a big red lever, made obnoxiously loud sounds, and you could drop coins into one for hours with little to no physical payoff. Like arcade games for adults, Abed reasoned as he immediately started using one of the slot machines.
Gambling addictions and episodes set in casinos were a common enough staple in tv, but Abed figured he'd be fine if he only played a couple times.
O.K. maybe more than just a couple.
Coming to a section of great, loud machines, she reasoned that she would not be tempted against such things, yet they certainly looked too gaudy for her tastes. Give her a handsome gentleman dealing the cards any day.
When the Guide beeped, she very nearly missed the sound, as the machines played hollow mechanical tunes and clicked all about her. Pausing she lifted the Guide up closer to her ear then turned in a slow circle. ...Ah, there. It must be the dark-skinned man playing on one of the machines. She approached, wondering if the ambient noise had drowned out his Guide's signal, or if he was just intent upon the machine.
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