All right, so this is a post I'm using to keep track of all Watch duties. I will update it with comments according to different situations, so all Watch-muns please track this so that you'll be on top of business. This idea is, of course, blatantly stolen from Scath! I'm trying to cover everything, so please tell me if I left something out!
More under the cut. )
Comments 12
Senior Officers: Sky, Youth
Secondary Men: Reed
Novices: Nikki (currently fourth floored), Elsa
Regular Forensics Team: Rosalind, Elsa, Nikki
1. Watchmen are to assist in the building of a barricade around Housing in order to accommodate those who cannot evacuate safely. The barricade is made mostly out of household objects and whatever people can spare. There are holes throughout the barricade to stick pikes through, and it's bumpy enough for watchmen to climb over top of in order to throw things. Food and drink has been taken out of the cafeterias and will be rationed accordingly. Currently, the Watch is taking anybody they can get for assistance.
2. Watchmen who are not assisting with the barricade are instead making sure that people are getting to the Wilderness safely. A few watchmen at least should be with every evacuating group, although that's obviously not possible. If you like, some watchmen (typically weaker ones) will stay in the Wilderness to assist medics and make sure nobody up there kills each other.
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