With vacations like these, who needs a panic room?

Dec 12, 2013 11:02

HELLO FRIENDS. Hey, remember how I needed a nice, relaxing vacation because of how non-stop stressful my life has been? Ha. HA HA HA, said the universe. If it weren't for an AMAZING show and an even more AMAZING friend, I would have curled into a ball and rolled into traffic ( Read more... )

oh em gee, friends, ive lost my mind

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Comments 30

brunettepet December 12 2013, 17:31:45 UTC
I was wondering how you were faring in icemageddon as the mister and I were coming home from our awful "vacation" up visiting his mom and siblings in Missouri. Backwoods (Kansas City) Missouri digs are cable-less and internet-less so we missed the memo that we were driving into the apocalypse. Got caught in that clusterfuck in Sanger that turned I35 into a twelve mile parking lot. Luckily a Quickie Mart employee told us there was a farm to market road into Denton and the mister decided to chance it ( ... )


stoney321 December 12 2013, 17:38:47 UTC
OH MY. I-35 was a nightmare!!! So glad you were able to find a way around Denton. That area was positively shut down, and I believe it stayed that way until late Monday.

Ha, good planning on that beer! I mean, snacks. (I mean the beer.) I am so sorry to hear about your wrist, though!! Ugh, I can just imagine how painful and awful that must have felt. Like you weren't stressed enough just trying to get home, you have to get injured, too! :(

I could def. use another vacation. IN TAHITI. WHERE I NEED NO CLOTHES.


brunettepet December 12 2013, 17:40:33 UTC
It was the Quickie Mart guy saying "The authorities are saying this won't be cleared out until Monday" that convinced the mister to try the back road. Hell, this was Friday! We only had three cases of beer!


stoney321 December 12 2013, 17:47:08 UTC
OH MAN, FRIDAY?! Yeah, you DEF. made the right decision. The people at the airport on Saturday had all been stuck there since Friday morning. Some were still there come Sunday night. UGH.

They shut down I-20 and I-35 until Monday, I heard. As if 35 wasn't bad enough to drive on... We need one of those big loop tollways like y'all have in Austin, just a big ol' belt around the city for situations like this.


wesleysgirl December 12 2013, 17:34:01 UTC
Just reading about this makes me so stressed OMG!!! *Hugs* I am glad your luggage was eventually recovered even if it only kept itself together until it got to your driveway. And I am so jealous you got to have so much time with fm, what fun!!! (And vice versa of course!)


stoney321 December 12 2013, 17:40:24 UTC

I just had to laugh at one point, because it was so preposterous. Like, there weren't any more wrenches in existence to be thrown into things, right?!

Time with FM is ALWAYS a winner, right? I don't know who else I could have been with who would have kept me together. <3


sheafrotherdon December 12 2013, 18:08:52 UTC
Lord mercy, that is epic. EPIC. And I think you are a doll for at least being able to find some humor in the situation at the airport - I doubt I would have handled it with that much grace :D And thank god you found a dress! I think you can be very proud of your ability to show up at a red carpet event under such circumstances. WHAT'S NEXT? Dinner with the Obamas where you have to physically drag yourself up the White House drive by your fingernails?


stoney321 December 12 2013, 18:17:24 UTC
Honestly, I think the reason why I was able to be redirected to so many different flights (even if they were later canceled) is because I came to the ticket counters with a laugh and a "Can you believe this?" attitude. There were people at their wit's end (which I get) who were yelling at the airport workers, as if things were their fault.

Those teenage girls from No. Carolina set the tone for me. :D Such cutie pies, and while they clearly were tired and heartsick, they were singing songs, braiding hair, eating popcorn and drinking Real Coke and having a great time of it. SUCH SWEETHEARTS.

OMG, I laughed out loud at the thought of getting to the White House by my fingernails. Hahahaha!

(I did find a dress!! And new shoes!! AND THEY WERE ON SALE!! It could have all been so much worse than it was, so I'm just so thankful that I didn't have to cancel the whole trip, you know?) <3


sheafrotherdon December 12 2013, 18:24:07 UTC
People who are rude to people in service positions are just the worst. Airport staff don't make the ice and throw it on the runway. Wait staff don't cook your food and aren't at fault if it takes forever for someone back in the kitchen to make your burger. Sales assistants did not personally buy the shoes you swear were on the website thirty minutes ago.

HURRAH for a smile :D


stoney321 December 12 2013, 18:28:59 UTC
YES YES YES. Plus there's the ol' Honey vs. Vinegar method. Why don't people understand this fundamentally?

HARUMPH. I feel it's my duty to counterbalance rude people. ;)


ladycyndra December 12 2013, 19:18:47 UTC
Geez!! I'm sorry you were caught in the middle of that damn storm!! Glad you made it through and LOL your tweets are made of awesome. XD


stoney321 December 12 2013, 21:40:47 UTC
Millions of us were just stuck in the middle of the country. The staff at DFW were doing everything they could, it was just one of those monster, unforeseen events!

(Happy to know you were laughing at those! I was having a blast writing them. Hee.)


fishsanwitt December 12 2013, 20:30:32 UTC
YIKES! You are *amazing*.


stoney321 December 12 2013, 21:41:18 UTC
Nah, just determined! ;D

<3 <3 <3


fishsanwitt December 12 2013, 21:51:12 UTC
THAT is equally amazing :)


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