Believe the Magic, guys.

Sep 28, 2011 10:07

So I really need to talk to people about last night's Glee. COME HERE AND TALK TO ME. I have feeeeeeelings, whoa whoa whoa, feeeeeeeeeelings ( Read more... )

recap: glee, hey don't judge me, mean girl rant

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Comments 31

brunettepet September 28 2011, 15:16:47 UTC
How did I miss that Jolly Green Giant/Hulk porn when I was shipping their epic love? It's just too bad that I was caught up in the wank and turned my back on that fandom ages ago...

Yay maid! Bathrooms are my arch nemesis. I just can't keep up with the grout no matter what I try.

Hmm, I missed the poll baloney, but it doesn't sound like I want to know.

"Glee" after I stop sweating. It was 61° this morning!! Double digits how I've missed you!!


stoney321 September 28 2011, 15:23:48 UTC
Truly there love was tender and epic. And full of VItamin C.

I haaaaaaate grout. Hate it. I want a new shower that is solid pieces of granite/marble/tile/something without grout lines like they have at the W hotels.

Nah, you're not missing much, I'm just peeved someone deleted things instead of talking about it. BUT THAT'S JUST ME, TO EACH HIS OWN.

I'm about to head out for some exercise, too! THIS WEATHER IS DELIGHTFUL.


flaming_muse September 28 2011, 15:42:37 UTC
I love yooooouuu. Awesome recap, per always. :)

Maids! Maids! I love having people clean my house, OMG. And you know what? You'll APPRECIATE IT AND THEM. So that makes it even better.


stoney321 September 28 2011, 15:48:08 UTC
I love you toooooOOoooOOooo!

YOU ARE WHO CONVINCED ME TO DO IT. And for that I am forever grateful. I will even give up the part of Tony for you, THAT IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU. ;)


flaming_muse September 28 2011, 15:55:11 UTC
I will smile proudly while you try out for a lesser role! THAT IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU!!!! <3 <3 <3


It's the choo-choo shooe!!!! kuzu_no_ha September 28 2011, 15:50:10 UTC
I was just thinking the other day that a maid would be really nice and I might need to think more about that. Because I don't cleaning up after other people that much either and since I'm knocked up I REALLY don't feel like cleaning up after other people.

I love your goofy, because...brace yourself, but I too...have been known to be goofy. *nods sagely* Or something.


stoney321 September 28 2011, 15:57:34 UTC
LOL at your icon. And yeah - it is just tiresome, cleaning up after three kids, a husband used to staying in hotels, three cats and a large dog. IT IS A LOT. Also, I don't like it. I say go for it, you CERTAINLY could use the help, I imagine.

Wait, whaaaaaaat? YOU?! The devil you say! ;D


kuzu_no_ha September 28 2011, 16:33:58 UTC
I could use the help! And a fainting couch. I do like the dramatics.

Oh oh!
I am not sure how I missed this but if you love Jennifer Saunders like I do then you will love French and Saunders like I do and THEREFORE YOU MUST WATCH "Let them Eat Cake" via the magic of Youtube, if you haven't already that is.

"I almost had to dress myself...what if there had been... A FIRE?"


Cheers, Eds! stoney321 September 28 2011, 16:56:40 UTC
I LOVE JENNIFER SAUNDERS SO MUCH IT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY. French and Saunders changed my LIFE as an impressionable girl. I <3 them.

LOOOOOOVE. Favorite skit: French explaining how sex works in their pre-teen characters. Holy crap, I howl with laughter every time.


evamagick September 28 2011, 15:54:39 UTC
I love you! I hate the haters. ;)

I enjoy your HDJM blog a great deal, but I have to ask - are you going anywhere with your Mormon book? I really loved that, and would love to see it published. I would buy 10!


stoney321 September 28 2011, 15:59:14 UTC
Eh, it's not haters so much as people unclear on the concept. Whatever, to each his own, YMMV, etc. I'm just always baffled at the Very Very Straightlaced Types I seem to collect. Me? But I'm an idiot!

Well, I would love to go somewhere with it, but I need to hook an agent! They're not as into it as my flist, woe. (But thank you for the sweet support, that is lovely. I just need to dust it off and work on it again.)


tabaqui September 28 2011, 16:32:32 UTC
Boys and bathrooms are never a good thing. And oddly, my 'boy', who is too old to actually *be* a boy not better.

Yeeesh. Makes me wants lotsa money so we can install *separate bathrooms* for him and for me. And i never walk into his again. Heeeee!

*of course, the Bebe with her hairspray and hair dye and makeup and weird 'skin care experiments' isn't much better. After dying her hair red, the bathroom looked like an abattoir*


stoney321 September 28 2011, 16:57:45 UTC
Oh, I include the Mr. in that, and he's fairly fastidious for a manly man. :D

OH MY GOD THE HAIRSPRAY FILM OF HORROR. I have a teen boy, a teen girl, and a 10 year old sharing one bathroom. I don't even pretend to know that room is in my house.


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