Did everyone suddenly become very stupid?

Dec 27, 2007 10:00

Not you, of course. Everyone else.

So.... creationism is coming to Texas schools, possibly. Note: creationism is not science. It is religion. <-- I'm still shocked that this is debatable. It is RELIGION. Religion doesn't go in public schools. That was why we left England and made our own country. (Well, a part of it. Minuscule part, but ( Read more... )

stoney doesn't suck, wtf no seriously wtf?, rant, tales of stupid people

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Comments 49

a2zmom December 27 2007, 17:05:25 UTC
One of the saddest things is that science has become a dirty word in this country. That your "gut instincts" should be listened to over reason and logic. And I see this trend continuing and getting stronger, which in the end, will bring this country to its knees faster than any terrorist.


stoney321 December 27 2007, 17:13:33 UTC

*plays Guitar Hero and eats fudge*

I'm... not helping, am I? *g*


brunettepet December 27 2007, 17:47:16 UTC
*shakes head* It would be funny of it weren't so sad and scary. "I shouldn't still be shocked by the proud ignorance of our populace." Thanks for throwing a spotlight on stupidity, Awesome McSmarty Pants.


stoney321 December 27 2007, 18:03:01 UTC

*hugs you* Hope you had a good holiday!


earth_vexer December 27 2007, 18:00:38 UTC
a fish did not walk out of the water and become a bird, or a dinosaur, then a lion, then a kangaroo, then an ape, and finally a man
Uh, if that's what they're teaching as evolution these days, then clearly somebody's doing something wrong.

And I clearly remember being taught that in science "theory" does not mean what you think it means. I guess Mr. Mouth-breather was away that day.


stoney321 December 27 2007, 18:04:03 UTC
Exactly!! Clearly this guy has NO IDEA how evolution works, right? And I want to say, yes, you're right: "that's NOT how it happened. Idiot."

I think Mr. Mouth-Breather wasn't available for MOST of his science classes. Sheesh!


pernickety December 27 2007, 18:11:40 UTC
The theory of intelligent design: MAGIC MAN DONE IT! (Oh, I love Robin Ince. :D)

Oh, you're so hot when you talk all scientific and pwn people all over the place.

MOUTH-BREATHER NEEDS TO DIE IN A FIRE. Surely we can get a death sentence on charges of crimes against the species, the universe and everything.

Mmmh, tasty precambrian explosion links.

I just went looking for a site about fossils deposits in (somewhere I can't remember which is what let me to google), and the third (3rd!)result google returned for a "precambrian explosion" search was a site that tries to prove Noah's Flood is trufax. *flail* While I was reading I kept yelling words at the screen. (mostly: LAYERS! DEPOSITS IN LAYERS! MILLIONS OF YEARS!!!! ARGHHH!)

I´ll stop reading creationist sites now, or I'll get so annoyed I pop a blood vessel in the brain.


stoney321 December 27 2007, 18:19:35 UTC
Oh my god, there's a popular talk show here called "The View" (I can't stand it - it's a bunch of women talking over each other) and they had a "guest" on the show.

Who wasn't convinced that the world was ROUND.

I truly believe some people are too stupid to be free. We should lock them up.


mireille719 December 27 2007, 19:15:47 UTC
Aw, I like the Flat Earthers! As cheap entertainment, they're hard to beat.


stoney321 December 27 2007, 19:22:03 UTC
Talk about your hold-backs! Talk Soup (well, now it's just "The Soup") had a great joke at her expense: She was informed that unicorns had sticky feet, that way they can hang on underneath the earth."



(The comment has been removed)

stoney321 December 27 2007, 18:31:33 UTC
*laughs at your icon*

Omg, I am ACHING like I've got a phantom limb.


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