More Tales Of Stupid People!

Oct 12, 2007 08:26

Okay, it's gotten UUUUUUGLY around here, what with all the idjits and the racism and Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter "facts" (hint: Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are liars. Did you know?) So how about we move into the realm of people so dumb, so witless, that you can't help but laugh and be pleased that you may be something, but you're not this stupid ( Read more... )

tales of stupid people

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Comments 62

sweetumms33 October 12 2007, 13:33:58 UTC
Good god...note to self, stay away from Florida. I think the drunk co-worker is the funniest/saddest. How doe that happen? And are their actual exorcists running around,waiting to get paid by crazy CEOs in Florida.

Your stories just get craaazier!


stoney321 October 12 2007, 13:37:48 UTC
Apparently there ARE exorcist performers (what do you call those people? I mean, aside from charlatans?) running around the panhandle of Florida. WHAT ON EARTH!!


darkhavens October 12 2007, 23:56:15 UTC
PSSST! The book was called 'The Exorcist' for a reason. ;)

I'm... stunned by your Floridian tales. How come we never got shit like this on Miami Vice or CSI Miami? Does Miami have some sort of Quality Control filter at the city limits? Some sort of complicated latch-key-fill-in-your-name-correctly-here security measures that only people with actual live braincells can manage? Heeee!


stoney321 October 13 2007, 01:27:19 UTC
HAHAHA! but then my charlatan joke doesn't work! *g*

I have no idea how such a thick soup of stupid exists in that small region, but it's utterly fascinating to me. I mean, even Bayou peeps have more smarts than that, you know? offense to any Bayou people reading this. And if you are, why ain't ya boil'n up some tree rats for the Frog People coming over in they's boat?


(The comment has been removed)

stoney321 October 12 2007, 13:38:27 UTC
I know, right?! And her co-workers show up in PAJAMA pants. And house shoes.



a2zmom October 12 2007, 14:07:41 UTC
I've been having a crapptastic day (did you see the troll who posted over at Fox's journal? Kita talks about it.) and you just improved it lots.

Thanks so much, hun.


stoney321 October 12 2007, 20:47:58 UTC
(I did - that's what I was alluding to without fanning the embers more, you know?)

Hahaha, the NUN CHUCKS. Talk about the worst thief ever...


midnightsjane October 13 2007, 05:08:10 UTC
What the heck are Nun Chucks?
I have the strangest picture in my head...


stoney321 October 13 2007, 13:28:42 UTC
Here's what they are. *snerk*

Hahaha, no, no, change the Chuck Norris in a Nun's habit to two sticks, and that's what they are. (I misspelled it: it's nunchucks, no space.)


adnault October 12 2007, 14:14:56 UTC
Florida is wack assed BUT I live in the "Wang" of the United States your BFF lives in the "Taint" also known as the pan handle.

I guess that would make Texas the balls or something and California the asshole?


diachrony October 12 2007, 17:48:57 UTC
... HEY!!!

[ /Californian ]


adnault October 12 2007, 17:57:55 UTC
ahahahah! I'm sure there are some redeeming people there. I just haven't met them.

In all seriousness... The stuff that hits the big times news about both states makes us look like TOTAL NUTJOBS


orejen October 12 2007, 18:30:15 UTC
Is New Hampshire the belly button? O_o


liz_marcs October 12 2007, 14:25:41 UTC
Omigawd! You made me snort coffee out of my nose!


The Book of Caucasians needs to be filmed and shown every Christmas.


stoney321 October 12 2007, 20:49:21 UTC
HEEEEEE. It's my favorite book of the New Testament. (As it's completely rewritable. Hey... I think it's the favorite of most modern Christians, too.) *G

*waits for the fire and brimstone from the generalization*


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