We're now open to submissions, and reading for the Queer issue. We want poems with the queer content explicit, rather than implicit; we want to see queer identities or relationships. A few examples from past issues of Stone Telling:
Persephone in Hel, Sonya Taaffe
A Masquerade in Four Voices, Alexandra Seidel
The Changeling's Lament, Shira Lipkin
Terrunform, Tori Truslow
The queer issue is here because we want to see more queer poetry. Since the inception of ST, we've published some amazing queer poems, but we keep taking about queer poetry because a) it matters to us, b) it's cool, c) there's not enough of it. What is "enough"? Well, when I was putting together the Moment of Change, for example, I had to look really, really hard for queer poems. I asked editors, who pointed me at some poems with G and L identities, some of which I reprinted, but I never felt like there was a whole lot of it. Bi, trans*, genderqueer and genderfluid poems proved really, really elusive. Lately, people have been sending excellent LGBTQ stuff to us because we are a queer-friendly market and we constantly talk about it, and we publish it, but now we want more, we want to put together a whole issue of it.
We want to see your LGBTQ stuff. In fact, for this issue, we will consider any treatment of sexuality and gender that does not fall under the heteronormative paradigm. When in doubt, please just send it along. (also when in doubt, please comment and ask!)
We want poetry in any speculative genre. If you have a literary (nonspec) poem that you feel will fit the magazine, please just send it along.
In case you wondered: we are not interested in homophobic poetry. Yes, it is nominally about queer issues, but we are not interested. This should go without saying, but people *have* sent us such material in the past. Please desist.
You do not have to identify as queer, in a queer relationship, or out of the closet, to write or read queer poetry.