Profile Entry - City of Woe!Zelgadis

Jun 17, 2010 10:50

History is incomplete. So are Music & Entertainment and Personality.

Journal Name: stonebluesorrow
Name: Zelgadis Graywords (City of Woe edition)
Age & Birthdate: 24, 09 October 1985
Canon: Slayers (AU)
Timeline: Between Book I and II (so between Slayers and Slayers NEXT, effectively)
Species: Chimera: 1/3 human, 1/3 drow, 1/3 earth elemental
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: N/A
Played-By: None/Crispin Freeman (for his human self)
Appearance: Zelgadis stands 5′10″/1.78 meters tall and is leanly built. He has plenty of athlete’s muscle, the kind that builds up from sports or martial arts (the latter, in Zel’s case.) He weighs roughly 198lbs/90kg; given the composition of his body, this does not make him overweight. When he was human, he weighed 132lbs/60kg.

Zelgadis is very unusual-looking, except to those used to seeing Strange Things. Most noticeable about his appearance is that he has blue skin. That skin has the texture and consistency of stone, both tactilely and visually. His eyes are bright blue and have slitted pupils, like those of a cat. He has “elf ears”-long and pointed. His hair is actually very fine, but strong, wire (strong enough that he must use wire cutters to keep it trimmed), and is a dusky grey-purple in colour (not to mention very shiny). Long bangs hang down on either side of his face, and cover up his right eye, leaving only his left eye visible. (Somehow he can still see, though.) His hair would fall roughly to his shoulders, were it not as messy as it is-it sticks up and out most of the time, and always has, even before he became a chimera.

Scattered all over his face and body are what amount to rocky growths sticking out of his skin, like pebbles and stones out of mud. Those on his face are most likely to be noticed, and are largely symmetrical in layout. There is a cluster of four on his chin (one of the groupings that is not symmetrical, given that he only has one chin ;)), two smaller stones on the outside of the group and two larger on the inside. Another cluster of three larger stones sit on the corner of his jaw line, just below his earlobes, on both sides of his face. An elliptical arrangement of roughly eleven or twelve “rocks” surround the outer edges of each eye (but, again, only the left group is visible, thanks to his bangs); the group starts just above the bridge of his nose and trails down and around his eye sockets to about a third of the way in from the outer edge of his cheekbones. Two small “pebbles” sit on the left side of his nose. Only one “pebble” sits on the opposite side.

The shape of Zelgadis’s face is rather distinctive; he has very prominent cheekbones and a strong, clean, square jaw and chin line. His nose is slightly hooked, and his eyes are rather round, the outer corners resting at a slightly lower point on his face than the inner corners. He has no eyebrows anymore (they have been replaced by the arrangement of stones around each of his eyes), but when he was human, they were straight and slightly angled. His hair was blue-black when he was human, though it was moderately less wild than it is now.
Equipment & Possessions: Zelgadis is typically seen wearing jeans and a t-shirt, covered by a black hoodie, combat boots, and fingerless gloves. A large crystal the colour of an aquamarine and about the width of three fingers can typically be seen worn around a cord on his neck, and he usually carries a long duffle bag over his shoulder, which contains a bastard sword made of sharpened dark crystal known as Deep Crystal. He is also usually seen wearing a thin silver ring on his left ring finger. The ring creates an illusion that makes him appear as a normal human with fair skin, round-pupiled blue eyes, and blue-black hair. The ring, however, is faulty, and does not always hold the illusion, especially in stressful situations.
Personality: Under construction.
Music & Entertainment: Under construction.
History: Zelgadis is a Chimera, a mixture of human, drow, and earth elemental. He was originally born as a human to fairly well-off parents in New York City. Unfortunately, his parents were what the Supernatural community knew as “Straights”, and did not believe in the supernatural. So when Zelgadis developed Psionic powers, he had no-one to confide it to, having few friends. Zelgadis eventually attended college at New York University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English. That, however, was not the career path he eventually chose.

When he was 23, his parents were brutally murdered by a fellow Psion named Rezo. The murder was committed in such a way that the police were convinced it was an accident. Zelgadis was just beginning a career as a private investigator, and knew the truth behind his parents’ deaths. He tracked down the killer, leading him directly to Rezo.

Rezo was probably the most powerful Psion known to mankind at the time, and he did not brook the threat Zelgadis posed kindly. Rezo used his powers to transform Zelgadis into a Chimera. Traumatized and frightened for his life, Zelgadis fled New York and settled in Austin, Texas, a city known for its Weird. There he set up a business as a paranormal investigator. Zelgadis also continued to take college classes, attending Austin Community College as a Continuing Education student.

Three years afterwards, Rezo tracked Zelgadis down, although by accident. Rezo was gathering more power and had allied himself with an Outsider known as Shabranigdo. Shabranigdo came from the Nine Hells of Baator, and was currently bound in a weakened state. Blind since birth, Rezo desired desperately to be able to see. He struck a bargain with Shabranigdo: in exchange for the power to cure his sight, something he had never had, Rezo would free Shabranigdo from its bonds. Rezo began stirring up all sorts of supernatural activity around the country, including in Austin, and it fell to Zelgadis to investigate that activity.

Eventually, a young woman named Lina Inverse, one of Zelgadis’s classmates and a fellow PI, was drawn into the mess and was attacked by Shabranigdo, who took the form of a cloud of jet-black smoke while bound. Lina dubbed him “Smoky” after Zelgadis rescued her. Lina, as it turned out, was also a Psion, though her talents hadn’t shown themselves until the attack. Zelgadis trained Lina to use her abilities while they worked to figure out what the Hell was going on.

During the case, Zelgadis contracted the help of Xellos Metallium, an Outsider hailing from the plane of Pandemonium, who was excellent at retrieving information for the local supernaturals when they had need of it, and for a price. Xellos pointed Zelgadis and Lina to Gourry Gabriev, the current holder of the Sun Blade, a weapon used against supernatural evils and passed down from generation to generation, father to son. Gourry helped them defeat Shabranigdo and Rezo.


profile entry, mun: kat/darkjediprinces, canon: city of woe, out of character

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